A conversation on top of the bus - Pete wentz

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The stars flickered as clouds passed by, the coming storm blotting out light as it approached. The wind was blowing hard and spatters of rain dotted my face like freckles, mixing with the saltwater already there. Yet I just drew my jacket closer around me, remaining in my spot on the top of the bus.
"you okay up here"
Him. Of course it's him.
I could hear the slight creaking of the wobbly ladder, then the padding of socked feet on metal, soon he perched next to me, laying down inches away. I rubbed a course sleeve over my cheeks.
"I'm sorry"
My croaky voice spoke first. I knew why he was here, we needed to get this conversation over. Pete simply tucked his hands into his hoodie pocket.
"It's fine just"
I finished his sentence for him.
I exhaled. Pete glanced at me, his dark fringe messed from the harsh wind, the ends already curling inwards from damp.
"Remember the last one" Pete hummed a quiet yes.
Everyone did. We had been the only couple on the bus for a while. A roadie and the merch stall guy. Pete hadn't liked him. Actually, no one liked him.
"He made me realise some things that I need to fix"
There were pauses between my words as I figured out what to say.
"What, did he say something?"
"No, nothing he said. I realised after he left."
The rain was getting heavier, sticking Petes fringe to his forehead.
"I'm too fragile Pete. After he left I broke"
"I know"
The day he had left was a bad one for the bus. He left with an erruption.
Apparently Pete had said something to him, after I had confided in Pete one night and Pete decided to take things into his own hands.
Pete ended up with a black eye. I ended up with a broken arm.
The week he had left had been a good one for merch sales. Pete had offered to take over merch duties, I said he could only help, either way our merch sales doubled that week.
"I can't risk being like that again Pete. I-"
The stars were blotted out again, by my watering eyes this time.
"I wanted to die. I was gonna die if you hadn't stopped me"
That night had been a hard one, nearly 48 hours after he had left. I had a pack of pills and a bottle of whiskey under my pillows, but Pete interrupted me with pizza and his clunky laptop. Instead we watched some Disney movie he had pirated before we left for tour.
"I didn't know"
"No one did"
The rain had soaked through my thin jacket by now and my voice shook with shivers.
"I relied on him too much Pete. I don't want to have to rely on someone else for happiness then have my heart decay when it inevitably goes to shit"
"Then don't rely on me. Just make sure you come to me when you need a shoulder to cry on"
"It doesn't work like that Pete. I just need time to work on myself. Maybe in a couple years"
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be"
I heard the ladder creaking and soon andy's head popped up, a thin waterproof jacket keeping him relatively dry.
"You guys gonna come in"
I sat up, my hair dripping over my already soaked through clothes.
"Give us a minute"
Andy disappeared again.
"I'll guess wait a couple years then"
Pete slipped his warm hand into mine.
for once I allowed it.

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