Slow dancing under streetlights - Bert McCracken

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Get drunk, be gay, do sappy shit.

You and Bert are like 19 idk.

I do not endorse underage drinking.

But I'm british so fuck you.

I slipped out of the house party and into the front garden, Bert close behind.
"You wanna call a taxi"
"My house is like, just there, you know that"
I waved vaguely in the direction of the student accommodation I lived in.
"You want me to walk?" he laughed, slipping his hand into mine and leaning on my shoulder.
" 'S not really that far"
"I'm lazy though" he drew out his words, wrapping himself in my arms.
"I know, I had to give you a piggy back ride to get you here."
"You love me though"
"Course I love you. You're bloody heavy though"
he pressed a kiss to my lips, hanging his arms round my neck.
A slower song started drifting out of the house to where we were stood.
"Hey" I mumbled into his lips
"wanna dance"
He laughed slightly.
"Always the Prince Charming"
I rested my hands on his hips, pulling him closer.
"I'll take that as a yes"
I began slowly moving side to side, Bert stumbling slightly.
"I've never been good at this"
"Just relax a little"
I felt bert lean into me more so I took the lead, beginning to dance almost properly.
"You're surprisingly good at this"
"Took lessons last year"
"Course you did"
He said this with a laugh, glancing down at his feet again.
I dipped Bert, bringing him up just as the heavens opened and rain began pouring down, berts dark hair sticking to his scalp and our clothes getting weighed down with water within seconds.
The song ended, being replaced by some stupid pop song.
I pulled him close and ran a hand through his now soaked hair.
"Took you ages to dry that this morning"
He leant into my hand, a smile on his face. The yellowish glow of the streetlight casting shadows over his face.
"Doesn't matter"
He leant forward and we kissed, our cold lips connecting and warming my entire body to the bones.
"Now let's get home before the rain gets worse"

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