Nosebleed - frank iero

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read a prompt and thought it would be cool
btw this is like one of fetus my chems early shows, cus fetus frankie is hella cute.

Finally, my first actually good live band. This was gonna be hella fun. One of my favourite local bands were doing a show just down the road from where I lived and I had managed to persuade my parents to let me stay out past curfew. I could tell this was gonna be a good night.
I had found the band through my best friend, he liked to collect tapes from local bands and he had decided to play this one in the car while we were driving to school. The band was called my chemical romance, a pretty sick band name if you ask me, and it apparently consisted of some art student, a guy from pencey prep (another sick band) and some other guys that lived in the local area.
The music was good, each song different to the last, though the quality of my friends battered tape didn't give it justice.
I approached the basement where the gig was taking place at around 10 p.m., clearly it was some kids house and their parents were on holiday or something.
I entered the basement through the open back door, greeted by the sight of about twenty or so teenagers about my age, with maybe one or two guys in their early twenties hanging around the edges of the small crowd and the sound of slightly out of tune guitars.
That's when I saw the guitarist. having never seen my chemical romance or pencey prep live, i had no clue how fucking hot he was. like damn son, wish i had seen a photo before hand so I could have prepared myself.
"Y/N, stop being so gay" I muttered before tearing my eyes away from the guy and scanning the room for someone I knew. I soon spotted my tape-hoarding friend with a drink in hand, talking to some people I recognised from school.
"Hey, Max"
"Hi y/n"
I grabbed a beer from the side, opening it and taking a sip of the lukewarm liquid.
"You got out then?"
"Yeah, took some persuading but I managed to get out"
We continued with conversation until I heard the beginning of a song that I knew.
"Max, c'mon, let's get to the front."
We didn't quite get to the front but ended up in the mosh pit, a mass of people all enjoying the music by dancing in the most violent way possible.
I was thoroughly enjoying myself until I got an elbow in the face, right on the nose. I ignored it, it wasn't too bad. Anyway, I was having too much fun. I ignored the searing pain until the end of the gig, the mosh pit fizzled apart and I ended up finding my friend max.
"That was bloody amazing"
"Yeah, although I don't think your nose agrees"
"What do you mean?"
"You've got a pretty bad nose bleed mate"
That's when I noticed the warm liquid running down my face.
"I'm gonna go clean that up, where's the bathroom again?"
"Just up the stairs, first door on the right I think"
"Okay thanks"
I walked towards the stairs, attempting to stop my nosebleed. I reached the top of the stairs and turned, walking straight into a rather short dude.
"Oh shit sorry"
"It's cool dude"
The guy looked up slightly, making me realise it was the guitarist, aka the super hot guy. He also realised that I was bleeding copious amounts of blood.
"You okay? You got a little bit of a nosebleed"
"Oh yeah, that's what I was going to fix, got elbowed in the face in the pit"
"I hope you had a nice time, despite the nose bleed"
"Yeah I did, it was great, you played really well"
He blushed slightly."Thanks, you, uh, need help cleaning that up"
"If you want"
We entered the small bathroom.
"Sit up on the counter and pinch your nose, I think that's supposed to work?"
I did as he said, perching next to the sink.He soon approached me with a wadded up paper towel and began wiping the blood from my face. He then held yet another wadded up piece of tissue to my nose to begin soaking up the blood.
"This is bleeding pretty bad, you feeling ok"
"A little woozy but nothing too bad, thanks for helping out"
My voice sounded nasally.
"It's cool dude"
He replaced the paper another two times before the bleeding stopped.
"I think it's stopped now, just try not to get hit in the face again"
I laughed slightly at his comment "I won't don't worry, thanks again"
"Your welcome," he paused for a moment "I've got another show next week, downtown, do you wanna maybe come along?"
He smiled hopefully.
"Of course I would love to"
"Can I give you my number then, just to send you the venue address"
I slid my flip phone out of my pocket and punched franks number into my contacts.
"Well, I'll see you next week"
"I can't wait"

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