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Liam's POV

While walking in the hallway somone tapped my shoulder,i turned my head to see who is it and saw my friends Seulgi and Jisoo.There was somene in there back and it's a guy though i think his new here too.

"Hey liam wassup?"seulgi said and glanced at jennie who is in my back while texting someone."Who's this girl in your back?care to share?"seulgi said smirking a bit.

I sighed and said "yeah,this is jennie.my model"i said emphasaizing the last words.And jennie's cat eyes met mine for an instance.

"Hi my name is Jennie Kim"she exclaimed and offered a handshake to seulgi and jisoo but the other one just stared at jennie with a smile on his face.I glared at the guy and turned my gaze towards jisoo.

"Hey jisoo,who's this guy in your back?"i asked whispering.

"Oh yeah this is taehyung,taehyung this is liam his new here too"jisoo said.

"Oh hi nice to meet you"taehyung said with a blank expression,i don't why but his just smiling towards jennie awhile ago.

"Nice to meet you too"i said and forced a smile."Oh jisoo, seulgi,jennie said she had a friends that' capable of being a model too"i said and look at them.

"Really?"seulgi exclaimed

"That's good"jisoo said while smiling.

"But,i don't know if they will accept the job.We'll talk to them after our lunch"i said to them.

"Lunch huh?or it's a date?"seulgi asked smirking.

"Mkay manoban"jisoo said wiggling her eyebrows.

I turned my gaze towards jennie and see her blushing.

"Oh c'mon guys it's just a simple lunch"i said and sighed.

"Okay goobye manoban,just tell us if her friends agreed to the job.But we need to help taehyung to find a model too."jisoo said and glanced at taehyung who is now smiling at jennie again.

"Okay we'll get going now,goodluck too"i said to them and they just nodded and leave with that taehyung guy.

We continued to walk until we reached the parking lot and entered my car.

"Where do you want to eat miss?"i asked jokingly while smiling at her.

"Anywhere you like"she answered smiling.

"Oke oke,seatbelts on miss"i said to her and she just nodded and smiled.

The drive was silent that the music on the radio filled the car.We arrived at the mcdo to eat our lunch.

"Is mcdo okay with you to eat lunch?"i asked her.

"Yeah,and let's go i'm so hungryyyy"jennie said whinned like a kid that made her cute.And i just stare at her with a smile and stepped out the car to open her door.She showed her gummy smile that made my knees weak.We found a seats that is for two and jennie walks towards the table."What's your order miss?"i asked her jokingly.

"My name is jennie and you know that right?"jennie answered with a glare and i think it's because she's hungry.My heart is beating madly while staring at her.

"Okay miss jennie"i said jokingly to keep my coolness and walk towards the counter to order some foods.While waiting to our order i glanced at my phone and see what time is it now,and yeah the time flew fast its already 1:33 pm.The staff gave me our order and walk toward our seat.Jennie's eyes were sprakling when she saw tge food.I just smiled at her cuteness and gave her the food.When i gave her the food jennie quickly grabbed the chicken and bite it.I don't know how many seconds i was staring at her and she suddenly wipe her mouth with a tissue and looked at me.

"Stop staring at me will you?"she said jokinly that made me grin.

"Why is it bothering you?"i replied back at her and she just rolled her eyes.

"Just eat you food and we'll go straight to my friend's house and to them"she said and spooned a rice and eat it.

"Understood"i said and started eating.


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