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Liam's POV

The event is now ending,some peoples are starting to leave.I was waiting for jennie,She was talking to the event organizer I guess?I was checking on what I will show to Mr.choi tommorrow for some additional photos.

I chose this one because this photo represents her cat like eyes,cute nose,plump lips and her mandu cheeks.I was admiring and staring at her face for God knows how long.

I was admiring and staring at her face for God knows how long

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I swear everyman will drool because of her oufit right now.It's so tight and short.Good thing I brought some comfy cloths for her.And this one too she's so gorgeous as fuck.I stop staring at it before my mind goes to some pervert stuffs.

I looked at jennie when she was stepping backwards little by little

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I looked at jennie when she was stepping backwards little by little.There's three men with her right now and they're eating her with their eyes I swear.

I walked faster to them when I saw a man holding jennie's waist and I swear he's grinning like a maniac right now.I clenched my fist as I walk to them and grabbed jennie's waist soflty.

"I am sorry for interuppting you but we need to go now"I said and faked a smile.

"Who the fuck are you to interupped us?"the man holding a wine asked.

I frowned at them and said "I'm her boyfriend,do you have a problem with that?"I glanced at jennie because she tightened her grip from my arm and she was blushing?I don't know if she was or it just the make up.

"Well your girl looks hot"the man holding a cigarette seriously said.

"It's for me because she dressed like that and not for the maniacs like you"I answered glaring at them.We quickly walked out from the event not waiting for their response.

"Why did you said that you're my boyfriend?"she annoingly asked not bothering to say thankyou for saving her.

"Atleast I saved from the maniacs"I said proudly.

"Aisshh,thankyou by the way"

"It's nothing.Do you want change your outfit?"I asked while opening my car and looking for the clothes that will warm her.

Photograph LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora