The Awakening.

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This chapter has rape and abuse, if any of these are triggers please take a rest.

~~~Lilith August 1, 1950 'Ma'am The plane is taking off you must remain seated.' I heard her voice but It fell on deaf ears and I could not stop I needed to get off the plane. We were already thousands of feet in the air, and that fall would be painful. Bones would break muscles would be punctured from broken bones and I would look like a pancake on concrete for at least three minutes. This isn't including the fact that regeneration would take at least 30 to 45 minutes, but did I have time to regenerate that much? ' ma'am, could you please take a seat?' Lucian then said 'mother why is your mind closed off?' His telepathic thoughts pushed to get into my mind, I couldn't let them see what I doing and I didn't have time. I then sent a thought out, "don't try to stop me." Immediately all of them recognized the severity, and they were shocked so I had to take this time and capitalize on it. The longer I was on this plane means the longer I would be in the air.

I then look at the stewardess as she had gotten quiet, I persuaded her to take me to the cargo hold. I need to get off the plane. This was the only way to do it without causing major damage to the people around me. As she took me down The stairs someone tried to stop her it was another stewardess. 'Ms. Janice you know only personnel are allowed down here.' I then came from behind her and said 'You will forget you saw us and make sure no one comes down here.' With a cheerful voice, she said 'yes ma'am.'

I wasted so but I had made it to the cargo hold. I then looked at the stewardess and said "open the hatch." She looked baffled and said 'I can't unless we were already landing," I felt annoyed but I had no time for the emotion. I look at one of the wheels that were key for the plane to take off.

I had no choice, I had to use telekinesis to open the door. If I start punching the plane I would destabilize the plane. This is also not to mention the noise I would make. I reached into the air and focused on pushing the wheel hatch open. I wanted to keep everything from falling apart so I took my time, this had been the first time in a few years that I used telekinesis. I felt my nose bleeding, how long has it been since I've used telekinesis?

I focused my mind and I began to hear the metal bending, I could feel it giving out I could feel the hatch moving. Using telekinesis was something most elder vampires could use, but I spent years holding back. I felt metal bending as I begin to reach deep into my mind. This time I am forcing everything to conform to me without even touching it. I felt my power begin to overflow, the metal was breaking as the wind began to push my hair back. Telekinesis was also dangerous, I was sending out essentially a large broadcast. Anyone who has telepathy is going to know where I am at. Even humans can sense it, although very low.

I finish opening up the hatch only for me to have company, I heard the gun click and I turned around. It was a man looking to be 30 to 35 years old. He's wearing a blue and black plaid shirt and wore some jeans, he's also wearing some boots. His eyes were sky blue they had a warm side to them. He has a good jawline with a boxed head complemented by black hair. 'Miss you are under arrest.' I turned and raise my hands showing a sign of surrender. The air could rip me out of the plane right now but because I had maintained a grip on the side of the plane. He probably didn't notice it but I could hear his thoughts more than anything. The wind is too loud, I also use the force field to prevent him from flying out of the plane. I am fine with my enhanced strength it helped me with keeping my grip. I could barely hear him as he slowly said step away from the wheel hatch. I didn't have time, I let go and the wind sucks me out.


I was on my way home, and that was when I saw a car outside of my house. It was baffling because I didn't have many friends, maybe Wendy had a friend? I hurried and parked my car. I made my way to the car to investigate it. I got closer to the car, and it was a red 1950 Buick master it was a nice car that was just released this summer, who would come to my house with such an expensive car? The bright red color reminded me of someone, while the seats were white and made with genuine leather. I looked in the reflection of a car and saw a man, I even looked down at his hand he had an M1911. He was a white man with buzz-cut blonde hair and wore a white greased-up shirt with blue jeans. His eyes were brown and had a cold and sneaky side to them.

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