A Pawn Or A Queen.

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I can't believe I spared her, Why did I listen to him? I found myself questioning everything; I knew he had to have some manipulation behind it. Yet I still chose to listen to him; in return, he let me in on anything he wanted to do. Was I indeed a pawn in my son's plan? Or is he trying to be my son? I wrap myself in a robe and proceed to the shower. Ellie had been asleep; she was blessed with the gift of vampirism a day ago. She had been lying on my mattress wholly consumed by the blankets. Her skin is now pale as snow, her body is now strong as twenty men, her reflexes faster than a blinking eye, and she now has the desire for blood.

We had some people who didn't turn, and they instead decided to serve me. That helps us with staffing. Some of these people had various trades, and we would benefit well from using them. Getting more humans wouldn't be too much of a problem, but it would take time to replenish. I was thankful that we were able to get the water heater working; I was not going to go another day without a shower. I don't think I could brush my teeth hard enough; I don't think I could scrub hard enough. I was ready to throw all of my skin away after that ordeal. As I turn the shower on, I allow the hot word to touch my hair. Having Ellie with me has been a great stress reliever, now that she's a vampire, she can keep up with me.

As I shower, I remember that Lucien, Jebediah, and Orm are going to be busy. As soon as we reestablish our home, they will all be going back to their respective territories. From that point on, we have to get into contact with Fù-gaūn; after everything that's happened, we should all be getting in contact with each other. She left before the party was over; she wanted to take care of business in China. It was surprising no one noted her going. Fù always knew how to blend in, quite a talent of hers.

I turn off the shower and see sunlight pouring through the window. It was a new morning, and I could already imagine that everyone was talking. I decided to sleep in with my lover; I just hope I'm not the subject of gossip. Though Everyone is always gossiping, I don't want to show favoritism. I already know Apollos is the subject of many things. He always seems to knock me off my game, but I love thinking on my feet. I'm almost always excited to see him even if he has nothing but disdain for me. I know in his private thoughts, he has a lot of pent-up emotions against me. I don't even think he's aware of them, though.

I wrapped myself back in my robe and began to put my hair in a bun. It was then that two pale hands wrapped around me. 'Good morning, my queen, she said in a sweet tone.' I smiled and said, "Good morning Ellie." She was about to get in the shower too; I was happy for her. She was growing into a strong woman. 'Thank you for last night, ' she said in a euphoric tone. She has been in a dreamlike state since yesterday. Perhaps I went overboard? "I should be thanking you, You're doing wonders for clearing my head," I said while finishing my bun. I took a minute to idolize my crown bun. It was quite simple what you got used to putting them in. However, I had a few hundred years over everyone else.

'You give me everything, though,' I could hear the happiness in her voice. "I wouldn't say it's a gift; I genuinely think you could benefit by growing." She's smart and friendly; she could have a few roles. "Have you found out something you want to do?" I was curious to see what she wanted to do. I was interested to see what she wanted to do. Plus, it was a way of making small talk while I was getting ready to talk to Apollos.

'Well, I was thinking I used to be a maid?' A maid would do well for us, but she was a vampire; we would be better off with her doing something else. "How about a secretary?" It's a low-risk high-reward job for her; all she would be doing is tasks from the Royal Family. There was a brief moment of silence, the shower stopped, and she opened the curtain. Her face was sad, and I felt terrible. "Did I say something wrong?" She then said, 'Are you sure?' I smiled and nodded. I wanted her to know I was serious. 'Then, when do I start?'

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