Brutal Efficiency

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was calm when I landed. I got separated from Apollos, and I was also making sure Jeane, Ellie, and I landed safely. I lost sight of Apollos, the men all knew where to meet up. He wants us to keep going, waiting for him is not an option. The order he gave me was clear, we just had to send out a telekinetic link. We'll wait at the main Rally Point 20 klicks ahead, we'll attack when he is ready. The men had fallen relatively together. We were only missing two. "Men we will proceed to the main location, Jeane will maintain open Communications via telekinesis." I checked to make sure everything was intact. The harness Apollos put on me helped me vastly. I typically don't allow men to touch me, but when it's him I don't care. He always looks after me so carefully, that's why I love my little brother.

'Are you sure we should just leave?' I looked at Anton and then said, "Yes." He seemed to disagree but understood, I was now the acting officer on this mission. These men would follow my orders because of my brother. I could tell some had submitted to the situation. A lot of their loyalty was still in question, this mission would cement their loyalty. These men knew what would happen if they failed. Mother wouldn't hold back and she's looking for an excuse to kill. People underestimate the Queen's determination, they don't know the brutality that she's truly capable of.

'Do you think he'll be able to find us?' Was she being asinine asking me that question? I pushed the thought out and said "Yes he'll be fine." Did she think he was that helpless or did she really believe she was the smartest person here? Jeane then said 'Moving on is our only choice, we can't afford to wait around.' We began moving through the dense forest at a semi-fast pace. It was already noon. It's a good thing vampires can't sweat, the men would be cooking right now. "We have 5 hours to retrieve Princess Fú-gaūn Chunhua Morten."

'We haven't encountered any enemies yet princess Priscilla what are we going to do?' Private Blake had a point, no one attacked us. We were definitely shot down by anti-aircraft cannons. "They're not too far ahead, just prepare yourself." I forgot these guys were still green, they weren't even capable of over-running us back in the mansion. 'We'll encounter them very soon, those cannons when long-distance came in but we're almost to the base."

It was then that I felt footsteps getting closer. I recognized them already, it was Ellie. What on God's green earth does this woman want? 'Excuse me, Princess Priscilla, can I ask a question?' I'm going to refrain from, saying you already did and humor her. "Since you asked so nicely sure," I said in such a cheeky 12-year-old voice. I'm a grown woman but I still take advantage of the fact that I have a 12-year-old's body. 'Why does Apollos fight so hard?'

Does she really not know? I know she had to have heard some of the rumors. Is she that far up my mother's ass that she doesn't know anything? Vampires have been talking and so have the humans "It's not my place to talk about it, in fact, I think you should let it go." I didn't want to talk about my brother's business especially to someone who referred to him as a negro. To be honest, she has no right, she's not my family she's just fucking my mother. 'He is helping men who killed all of the staff, he showed mercy to a bunch of traitors.' It was obvious she was looking for answers. I have no choice but to at least give her a few.

"I read the report on the battle in the California Forest." I put my hand up and signaled for us to stop. We could take a small break, we were almost there. 'Yes, I know what you're talking about.' The men sat there listening to me talk even Jeane listened intently. "When Queen Lilith was in the forest she converted 1/3 of you to her side a lot of you weren't vampires, and she turned you and a few other humans into vampires."

'That was different, we were lied to. These men no offense to you all made the choice to commit the atrocities they did.' She said that way too comfortably. This woman says no offense but continues to shit on them. Was Mother just thinking with her crotch? I hope Mother wasn't thinking with her crotch, though we all make mistakes. I covered my mouth to hide my grin. I continue to talk: "At the same token Apollos believes and second chances much like mother, these men will atone themselves." I believe everyone deserves a second chance even those who can be considered irredeemable. That was a fucking lie but I didn't want her to know.

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