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~~~Michael O'Brian

'I'm sorry O'Brian I couldn't give you what you wanted.' He put his hand on my shoulder, I knew that he genuinely wanted to save me. To release me from Hans's grip, keep wanted me to be free so that Hans wouldn't be able to find me. I smiled and said, "You only wanted to help." He's a little defeated but he shrugs it off quickly.

'So what's the plan O'Brian?' I adjust myself in my chair and I say, "I want to be a child for once. I haven't been one in a long time, that's the plan for right now." He looks at me curiously, but then he nods. 'Is that what you want to do?' I smile and say "I haven't been one for a long time. I know it might be a lot to ask, but could you be my father for a day?" He smiled and said, 'Is that all you want from me? I don't know if I could do that, I don't think I was a good one to my kids,' His face looked guilty then I remembered what happened to him. How could I forget? Apollos told me about it, how his kids were killed and how he could do nothing to save them, how he grieved, and how Jeane capitalized on it.

He then said, 'Well son if this is what you want to do, I can help you. We can do it now,' It's then that he leaves and he says he'll be back.


"Priscilla," I called to her knowing that she was not far off. She's by my side and grabbing my hand. 'Yes, brother?' Her eyes focused on me, "I need your help." I said to her if anyone could help me she could. 'You want me to help make his wish come true?' I nod and she smiles.

'Give me a few hours, I can make it happen.' She nods and smiles a nice smile. It's then that she hugs me, and then looks at me with her big eyes. "What's this for?" I say completely lost, she then says 'It makes me happy that you want to depend on me.' I don't like asking things of her, mostly because I feel like I'm asking too much of her. 'I'll have everything ready by 2:30 a.m., I'll show you the location once it's done.'

I return to O'Brian, he's been sharing a room with me since he came here. We talk every day about everything. It's only been two days but I understand this kid. Even though he sees himself as a withered old man stuck in a child's body. People may think it's a gift to be eternally young, but I think it's a curse. I stopped being Gabriel Roberts at 28, I stopped being a human being at 28. I'll never know what it's like to get older, I'll never know what it's like to taste anything again.

The same could be said for O'Brian, it is worse for him though. Not only is he in this child's body, but he will never know the pleasures of being a man. Those Pleasures extend to being with a woman, having a child, and having pride in a life that you built for yourself. You'll never be able to make choices for yourself, nor will you be able to fight for whatever beliefs that you believe in. You will always need someone to make the choices you want done. He's asleep, he's wearing dress shorts black socks a white shirt and a black vest. O'Brian looks like a regular kid and he's actually a really good kid.

I allow myself to relax, as I prepare to talk to him. As I walk into the room I see O'Brian reading a new book. 'Are you okay?' He asks me without even looking up, I sit on my mattress and say "Yes." It's then that something prompts me to ask him. "What's the name of the book?" O'Brian then closes the book and says 'this thing? It's called the little white bird. It's a dark tale about a boy named Peter Pan.' He was almost dissatisfied with the book but continued talking about it.

'The book has dark undertones and shows us what happens when you're a child forever. Though me personally I've lost interest in the book, mostly because I'm already living it.' He then smiles and says 'To be honest, when you're living a book it loses its appeal.' He then says 'So what was it like in the army.' A question I didn't think I would hear but I answered. "Well the Army was kind of good, there wasn't much room for racism even though it was riddled with it." I think about all the times I was with my battle brothers. We fought together. "I formed a brotherhood with men who hated me." He nodded and then said 'Would you stop yourself from going in the military if you could?'

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