Chapter 14 : Season Finale

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*Now : Present day*

Jude's POV

I think it's time to say to Stef & Lena what happen during that camping trip with me & Connor since I never told anyone and Connor want it to be a secret.

" Moms, I have to tell you something?"

Stef & Lena's POV

Yes, sweets what's the matter?

Jude's POV

Remember the camping trip that we had years ago with the 7th graders and Connor? Well, I had to share a tent with Connor and we did something really bad, I kissed him and I kinda had sex with no condom. I really felt bad but I was kind of experimenting and confused but all of a sudden , we heard a voice in the bushes, it was actually Connor's dad showed up and he kinda spanked him, Connor ran and he tried to escape but he got smashed into a door and got a bruise. I really felt bad for him.

Stef & Lena's POV

Oh Jude, we love you no matter what you are but be careful with the sex . Your still too young at the time but thank you for telling this to us for after so many yeasts.


Next morning.

Jude walked to Connor and told him the truth about what happened at the camping trip. Connor was actually hesitant and feeling angry

Connor's POV


Jude's POV

I'm just looking out for you, you have a say to say what's right and guess what ? I was raped by your dad when I slept over your house. So don't feel sorry for me. He was drunk and suddenly I couldn't control myself and guess what I can't believe you called me stupid , this relationship was a lie, I wish I never met you in the first place,

Connor's POV

Jude, I -I don't know what to say but ......

*feeling angry and mad but depressed that he said that*

* Connor punched and did a karate kick right into Jude's face and it was not pretty. *

Jude's POV

What you do that for? Don't touch me, Connor DONT. YOU. DARE.

Connor's POV

I can't believe I did that to Jude and now he hates me now. What's up with me? I just hurt my only friend, my best friend, my boyfriend, my one true love, my soulmate, my Jasmine to my Aladdin. My Jill to my Jack. My Jude to my Connor. I can't believe what's over me? I am not like my father, now he's a homophobe and doesn't want me to spend time with Jude but I chose to because he's very special to me. Now I don't know , he just left after I said my speech I was on my knees but I banged my locker and I broke my hand but most of all I broke Jude's trust and love . I hate myself ugh.

* Jude left without saying a word and never spoke to Connor , but saw what happened with his hand and saw him cry. Jude says " I'm not gonna let myself to get hurt once again , I had an abusive relationship, I can't believe he hit me while doing karate now I just don't want to talk to him ever again.*

Connor's POV

Is it wrong to fall in love with your best friend? Is this wrong? Now I don't know what to do ...


A/N : so that's the end of A Jonnor Story : Is this wrong? , don't worry I'm actually having ideas for the second season for this book. I love you guys for reading this book I wrote so.

A Jonnor Story : Is this wrong?

comes out late September or early October.

See you soon , my Jonnor readers

- xoJoshy 🙌🙏😍😎👌

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