Chapter 23

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Buckle up, this is long and angsty.


3rd Person POV
Andy answered the door to see a police officer. "Is there a problem sir?" He asked. "No sir, I just wanted to let you know that there is a criminal loose in this area. Please be on the lookout and be careful. Here's what he looks like." The officer said and handed Andy a 'Wanted' picture of Keith.

"Yes sir, thank you." Andy said and the officer left. Andy turned to see Chandler with wide eyes, breathing heavily and Payton looking confused and scared. "Hey guys, calm down. We're gonna be okay." he said, trying to sound reassuring.

"Dad who is Keith?" Payton asked Andy.

"He's just a criminal, nothing to worry about." He answered. "Are you sure?" Chandler whispered.

"I'm 100% sure, you guys go get ready for bed okay?" Andy said. Chandler and Payton slowly walked up the stairs.


When Chandler woke up, it was 3:07 am. He was sweating and breathing heavily, he had woken up from another nightmare.

It's a regular thing for him now, wake up in the middle of the night, cry a little, then try to go back to sleep.

He never told anyone though, he felt it was his problem and he should be able to handle it.

But he must've been talking in his sleep or something, because Payton came in.

"Chandler? You okay?" She asked and walked in his room. "Y-yeah I'm okay." He said quietly. She came and sat on the bed next to him.

"You're worried about that guy right? The one that broke out of jail?" Payton asked him.

"How'd you know?" Chandler mumbled. "Dude, you looked like you saw a ghost when his picture showed on the news. Why does he scare you?" Payton asked.

"W-well he was there when that guy took me."

"Really? Are you the kid he threatened?" Payton asked. "Y-yeah." He answered quietly. "Well try to sleep, we have school tomorrow." She said sympathetically and hopped off his bed.


At school, Chandler's fear didn't go away. It didn't go unnoticed by his friends either. At lunch, Parker decided to speak up.

"Chandler are you okay? You seem really jumpy today. Like, more than usual." Parker asked him. "Y-yeah yeah I'm good." Chandler lied.

"You're a horrible liar, Chandler. What's up?" Laura asked.

"W-well...did any of you guys see that man on the news that broke out of jail? " Chandler asked, biting his lip.

"I did. Ken or Keith or something like that?" Parker said. "Y-yeah Keith...well I think he's looking for me..." Chandler said quietly.

"What? Why would an old man be looking for you? Wait a minute...isn't Keith the guy that shot you?" Laura asked, concerned. "Y-yes." Chandler mumbled.

"For the love of God Chandler how did you even get yourself into this situation?" Laura asked.

"W-well, I got kidnapped. And that dude was there and I hate him and I've never wanted to kill someone before I met him but-" Chandler started to rant, but Zay cut him off.

"Whoa dude, relax. You wanna kill him? I know people can be jerks but-"

"He's not a jerk. He's a psychopath." Chandler interrupted, his voice sounding more angry.

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