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Narrator's POV
Jimin was walking around the hallways when he say Rose getting bullied. He then stopped the girls that were bullying her and they went away. Rose then thanked Jimin and he helped her stand up. Rose then asked him some questions
Rose: Thanks for helping me but not to be rude but what's your name?
???: Oh uh my name's Jimin but you can call me chim
Rose: Oh thanks chim I'm Rose
Jimin: Oh uh thanks for the nickname haha *blushes*
Jimin: Soo wanna be friends?
Rose: Sure! Bye see you around!
Jimin: Bye!
-flashback ends-
-Jimin's POV-
When Jungkook said that we should bully Rose I felt mad because this isn't right. I know we just met but bullying someone just because of a small fight isn't the best thing to do. Jungkook's just too stubborn to give her space. Maybe she already forgave him but Jungkook doesn't even know because he's too stubborn. I don't know what to do. "Should I bully Rose?" "Should I help her?" Those thoughts were running through my head until Jungkook got my attention
jk(short for Jungkook ok?):Jimin hyung understand?
Jimin:uhh y-yeah
Jungkook continued to talk until the bell rang and we all had to go back to our seats. Since I sat near Rose I warned her about Jungkook bullying her and she thanked me.
Great. Jungkook's gonna bully Rose. I'll protect her no matter what. I don't care if Jungkook bully's me as well I just don't like seeing Rose hurt. I then get out of class earlier than usual and start talking to Rose so if Jungkook tries to bully her I'll be here to protect her.
-Few minutes later-
Me and Rose we're doing fine and Jungkook still hasn't made a move to bully her. I then notice Jungkook and the rest of bangtan leaning against the lockers. Jungkook suddenly tripped Rose. I then catch her quickly before she gets any bruises or scars.
-Rose's POV-
Me and Jimin we're talking while walking until I noticed Jungkook give me a glare. I shrugged it off but then a few seconds later I trip because of Jungkook but before I fall Jimin catches me causing me to be on top of him. I then get up and help him get up as well. I then thank him awkwardly and I saw Jimin checking if I have a bruise or scar anywhere. I then hear Jungkook scoff and tell Jimin "So you're with her now?" Jimin then ignored him and he found a scar and shouted "ROSE YOU HAVE A SCAR LETS TAKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL!" Jungkook then responded "Haha Hospital? She's too heavy for you to even carry her." I then frown and glare at Jungkook but then Jimin carried me to the clinic. We then arrive and he took care of my scare. "Are you ok?" He asked "Yeah" I responded. Lunch then passed by quickly and we went back to class.
-Jungkook's POV-
I saw Jimin talking with Rose. Tch. What's he doing now? Trying to protect her? That's not happening. I then walk up and lean back at the lockers with the rest of bangtan and waited for Rose to go closer and then I'd trip her. I tripped Rose but Jimin caught her and Rose ended up being on top with Jimin. She then got up and helped Jimin up. He then asked if she's ok tch. Now he's pretending like he cares now. He then thought of bringing her to the hospital and I would've done the same thing but for some reason I reacted with this "She's too far for you to even carry her" I only said that to hurt her feelings but actually she is the most slim and beautiful person I've ever seen...

-To be Continued-

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