Happiness pt. 2

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-Jungkook's POV-
After writing that I go to sleep with Rose.
-Rose's POV-
I wake up and see Jungkook's cute sleeping face,  I poke his cheeks and see his note on my notebook "I love you - your lovely boyfriend" I chuckle at his cuteness and as I was about to go back to my chair Jungkook grips my arm
Jungkook: No..don't leave
Rose: What?
Jungkook then pulls me and sits me on his lap. I stay there and hug him instead. I look at his reaction and he was smiling.
-Jungkook's POV-
After some moments I feel Rose going somewhere, but I grip her arm before she can leave.
Jk: No..don't leave
Rose: What?
I pull her and sit her on my lap, I then feel her hugging me and I smile.
-Time skip-
I woke up to a Cute Rose staring at me and when she noticed I woke up, she looked away, how cute. Since it was time to go, I told Rose and we bid our goodbyes, but it suddenly rained and we looked at each other with big eyes and I asked "Did you bring an umbrella?" She shakes her head. I smile widely while she shouts "Yahh! Did you bring one?" I nod and I can see her cute face soften. While walking, I wrap my arm around her waist and ask "Do you just want to come to my house instead?" She shakes her head, "No Jungkook, it's okay" I frown and carry her to my house while she whines.
-Rose's POV-
I was just staring at Jungkook until he woke up and I pretend to look away, I blush since I got caught staring at him.. I mean he's cute when he's sleeping. Since it was already time to go home we bid our goodbyes and when we were going out it suddenly rained. I cursed to myself since I didn't bring my umbrella since I forgot it in my room. Just then Jungkook askes me "Did you bring an umbrella?" I shake my head and he smiles widely, panicking, I shout "Yahh! Did you bring one?" He nods and I soften my expression because of his cuteness. As we were walking I can feel his arm wrapping around my waist and I just smile because of how possesive he can be. Just then he asks "Do you just want to go to my house instead?" I really want to but I don't want to be a burden to him so I said "No Jungkook, it's okay" He then frowns and carries me. I chuckle because I know Jungkook is always like this. Taking what's his is what he's best at. I whine while he carries me.

hellooo im sorry for not updating but like here you go and thanks for 10k!!!!!! I love you all 😔

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