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-Jungkook's POV-
Art class ended and Jimin and Rose still kept talking. Jimin noticed that I was getting jealous but he doesn't know that I like her. I'm not planning to tell anyone but Namjoon hyung  because I trust him and he understands me. I then see Rose smile and I then smile to myself without even knowing.
-Time skip-
It's already dismissal and I'm planning to tell Namjoon hyung.
j.jk: Yo hyung can u meet me in our usual place
k.nj: Yo why tho???
j.jk: I have to tell u something
k.nj: ok
I meet Namjoon and I told him about my crush on Rose. He was shocked at first since he wasn't expecting me to like her since I have been bullying her before. He gave me advices and tips to make it up for her. I then went home since I didn't feel like watching Jimin and Rose be together. I was scrolling through Instagram and I saw Rose's Instagram. I decided to follow because why not??? Even though she's private I hope she accepts my request.
-Rose's POV-
I was talking with Jimin then suddenly my phone vibrated. Instagram(j.jk has requested to follow you.) huh? Jungkook has Instagram? That's kinda shocking. I don't know whether I should accept or not. Since I'm kind I decide to accept it and I follow him back. I was scrolling through Instagram and found everyone's Instagram's and followed them.
Since it was getting late we all decided to go home. We all didn't notice but Jungkook already went home as well as Namjoon. I went home and took a warm bath and then study. I know all the topics but going through all the notes for just 5 minutes won't hurt right? I then study until my phone vibrated. (Instagram j.jk has messaged you) ughh he really does text in the wrong times. I open my Instagram and responded back.
j.jk: Hai
chaeyoung_rose: hai
j.jk: wyd
chaeyoung_rose: study wby
j.jk: ewww study                          chaeyoung_rose: stfu at least I'm smart
j.jk: ouch
chaeyoung_rose: haha sorryyy
j.jk: haha it's fine
j.jk: anyways I was playing fn
chaeyoung_rose: Oh fn? Ey can I join?
j.jk: haha r u good tho?
chaeyoung_rose: yushhh
j.jk: ok come to my house
chaeyoung_rose: meet u in 5 mins
I then went to Jungkook's place and he let me inside. I haven't played Fortnite in weeks and I'm starting to miss it. I went to his room and it was pretty good. Almost like my room but his was black and mine was pink. He then asked me "where do you wanna play in?" "PS4" he looked shocked because he didn't think I knew what those are but really I know everything. I used to always play this but I stopped. We then play for hrs and hrs until it was already 1am. He told me to go home but I already fell asleep without me knowing.
-Jungkook's POV-
I texted Rose and surprisingly she replied fast.
j.jk: Hai
chaeyoung_rose: hai
j.jk: wyd
chaeyoung_rose: study wby
j.jk: ewww study                          chaeyoung_rose: stfu at least I'm smart
(Ouch that actually hurts when she told me to stfu even though it was just a joke)
j.jk: ouch
chaeyoung_rose: haha sorryyy
j.jk: haha it's fine
j.jk: anyways I was playing fn
chaeyoung_rose: Oh fn? Ey can I join?
j.jk: haha r u good tho?
chaeyoung_rose: yushhh
j.jk: ok come to my house
chaeyoung_rose: meet u in 5 mins
She then arrived shortly and I let her in. I then prepared everything and she wasn't shocked at all. Hm maybe she does know these. I then ask her where she wanted to play in and she responded back "PS4" I was shocked and I have never let anyone play that besides me but since she wanted to play it I decided to just play in a PC. Since it was getting late I told Rose to go home already but when I turned around she was already sleeping. I decided to let her stay and continue playing Fortnite. I tucked her in and turned on the Aircon since she didn't want to turn it on a while ago. Since it was only 1 hour left until we have to go to school I decided to sleep already. Since Rose was sleeping on my bed I went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up and got ready for bed and got my extra pillow and blanked and went downstairs. I lied down on the couch thinking about when we played together and I couldn't stop loving her. Knowing that she can play video games that just made me love her even more than I did before.

To be continued

𝐁𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 [𝖏.𝖏𝖐]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora