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-Rose's POV-
It's almost been 1 month that passed by and Jungkook doesn't even bother on talking to me. Sometimes I watch him with Seoulhyun walking and I'd silently cry to myself with Taehyung comforting me. Sometimes I think to myself if Jungkook really even lived me when he asked me out. Thinking about the past... just makes my heart ache. Knowing that Jungkook's smiled aren't because of me but because is someone else... which is another girl...
-Jungkook's POV-
It's been one month since the death of my father and Rose still hasn't apologised. I can't believe her she literally killed my father and she wouldn't even bother to apologise??? I would've forgave her if she apologised but I guess she didn't and I don't think she's planning to.
Time Skip
Seolhyun and I were walking down the hallways going to the classroom when she decided to tell me something.
S: Jungkook, I-I have a confession to make
J: What is it Seolhyun?
S: Ever since we've became friends I have had this little crush on you and day by day as they pass by I started to like you even more....
J: R-Really? M-Me too
J: Yeah Seoulhyun *smiles*
I can't believe what I'm feeling right now. Everyone's staring at us and as I stare into her eyes it feels as if the whole world has stopped.
-Seolhyun's POV-
I can't believe it... I'm finally Jungkook's girlfriend! I finally got Rose out of the way. Since my plan worked it's Jimin's time.
S: heyy my plan worked want me to help u with urs?
Jm: yeah but how tho?
S: that's what ur supposed to think about
As I was done texting Jimin I went to Jungkook and clinger onto him so everyone knows he's mine.
-Rose's POV-
What the fuck...? So I guess me and Jungkook weren't official I guess. I know we don't have any memories but I'm pretty sure it was real. I don't know anymore. I couldn't stop my tears from falling as I was watching them from afar. Since I couldn't help it anymore Taehyung noticed and immediately hugged me. He let me to continue to sob on him until I would stop as he would calm me down by patting my head. Since then I accidentally slept trying to forget everything I just witnessed.
-Taehyung's POV-
I can't believe that Jungkook is too gullible to notice. How did Rose do the crime if she was just texting him the whole time? It's obviously just Seolhyun trying to get Jungkook. I really can't believe that Rose is crying for some dickhead but I can't really blame her.
Rose and I were eating lunch when we saw Seolhyun and Jungkook confessing to each other as the whole cafeteria was cheering for them. I then noticed that Rose was just staring at them while I was trying to distract Rose but nothing worked. After they confessed she then couldn't handle her tears anymore and I noticed so I immediately hug her and she hugged me back. I then continue to let her sob on me as I pat her head. I then caught Jungkook staring at us coldly but sadly too. I then stare at him coldly and signaled him to fuck off since he had been staring for 5 mins straight already. Since I notice that Rose already slept on me I just decided to bring her to my car and ditch school since she just gets heartbroken there. I then drive to my house and lay her down on my bed so she can be more comfortable.

To be continued~~~

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