Love - Hate

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-Narrator's POV-
Everyday, Jungkook kept bullying Rose but it was getting worse and worse. He never really wanted to do it. But if he didn't his life would be in the line. He would always cry whenever he bullies Rose to the point when she can't even stand up. Heck, does Rose even trust Jungkook?
-Rose's POV-
Ugh. It's a school day again. Another day when Jungkook will torture the fuck out of me. I arrive to school and see Jungkook and his friends and they all wave at me except for Jungkook. I wave back and flared at Jungkook. When I walked away I noticed Jungkook acting all shy and and rubbing his neck. I look over and he's looking at... Lisa? I never knew he still liked Lisa. Well I guess he likes Lisa. It's kinda weird, Jungkook is always bullying me and acting like he likes me but he likes Lisa? Honestly I don't know but why do I care? Why should I care?
-Jungkook's POV-
Rose arrived at school and I was feeling nervous as she stepped closer and closer to us. She waved to all my hyungs except me. *sigh* Does she really hate me? After waving at them she glared at me and I got shy because I didn't think she'd look at me. She then walked away and I look at Lisa. I notice Rose looking confused when she was still looking at us. I just kept looking at Lisa to see what her reaction would be. She then kinda looked confused and sad. My heart hurted when she looked sad. I just wanna run to her and tell her that it's only gonna be her that I will love.
-Jimin's POV-
I look at Rose coming towards us and she waved at us. We all wave back except for Jungkook and I was confused. Rose then glared at him and he blushed so much. Tch. It's not like Rose smiled at him or anything.
-Rose's POV-
I walk to class and meet up with Jennie. Since we're in the same class I talked to her until class ended. We then walk to our next class and it's my favourite, Art. This is my favourite class because this is the only class where in all 4 of us have the same class and if you're wondering it's Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, and me. Not like I only like that class because my best friends are there but because teacher helps us paint whatever we want. Class was starting and we all got a canvas. We all started painting and I sat infront of Jungkook. I looked at his painting and he was painting...a girl? The girl looks just like me, fair skin, (colour) hair. As I look over to Jimin's painting he was also painting a girl? Okay, what the fuck? I'm so confused. I wonder why only both of them are painting a girl. I then paint a beautiful sky which really surprised me. The finishing result was amazing. Someone then tapped me in the shoulder and as I turn around are noses touch.


I open my eyes and it's...


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