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Narrator's POV
Since Jungkook's father passed due to car crash Jungkook went to the hospital to check on his father. He thinks someone that he knows might have done it. Jungkook felt sad because his father was the closest to him.
-Jungkook's POV-
I went to the hospital. I found my dad lying down on the hospital bed which made my heart crumble. I went closer to my dad since he had instructed me to. He believed that the one that caused this accident was a young girl with fair skin and her hair was red. What a coincidence. Could it be...Rose?
-Rose's POV-
I heard the terrible news from Jungkook that his father got involved in a car crash. I kept texting him but he wouldn't reply. "I guess he needs some space" I thought.
-Time Skip-
It's been a few weeks and Jungkook doesn't even glance at me. I don't know what happened but he talks to everyone I don't know why but I feel like he's somewhat mad or pissed at me but I don't even know what I did wrong.
-???'s POV-
I finally got Jungkook distances away from Rose. Just a few more schemes and I will get my kookie. Haha what a pathetic bitch.
Time skip
-???'s POV-
I text Jimin since I found out that he wanted rose and I wanted Jungkook so if we work together it would be a win-win.
-Jungkook's POV-
I keep receiving messages from an unknown girl and it's possible me off. I'm starting to get suspicious of this girl because it seems like she goes to this school but I don't know who she is. But whoever she is she pretty much has a crush on me. I then asked her who she was in real life and I was correct... she does go to this school. She told me to meet her at the roof and I agreed.
-Time skip-
I went to the roof and I saw her there and she's....Seolhyun? We then talked and started to become close friends as time passed by and she's helping me move on from my dad's death. I'm not really sure what's happening to me and Rose but I surely don't ever want to see her again. Me and Seolhyun we're walking down the hallway and suddenly Rose passed by us. She gave us a soda look but I gave her a cold expression. How could I forgive her?
-Rose's POV-
I was talking to Taehyung since Jungkook didn't want to talk to me and we were just talking about him and suddenly we passed by each other and he was walking with Seolhyun!? What the fuck I thought we were in a relationship.!? He then gave me a cold expression an I couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears were rolling down my eyes and Taehyung immediately hugged me. He then asked me if I was ok and if it's ok to let go now. I nodded and he did so. I heard about Jungkook thinking that I killed his dad but I didn't. I don't even have a drivers license. Someone manipulated this and still is. This has to fucking stop.

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