Telling The Secret

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Ryan's POV

I was lying on my bed. I don't want to go outside. I'm bored and not on the mood. Someone knock on my door. I did not talk or open it. I don't want to talk to anyone.

The knocker continued to knock on my door. I am irritate so I start to talk. "Come in..." He did not entered my room. He stayed in his place.

"Oh, brother. What do you need?" I ask. "Cyborg says we need to go to the living room. Not only me and you, but also Raven, Beastboy and Starfire. We must there in 5 minutes." he explained.

"Okay I will be there." I said. He left me on my room. I feel bad what I did to him. I'm on the mood but not totaly. When he mention Starfire's name I want to go outside of my room. I am not bored anymore.

Cyborg's POV

I was sitting on the sofa. I wait for them. Minute by minute, they entered the living room. So I start immediately. They don't talk. They just look at me. It is like I disturb them.

"So...ummm we are all here because I feel bad. I know that everyone of us has a secrets. I want you to tell your secrets. Me and Beastboy told our secrets. I told my secret to Starfire that I feed Silkie to much. And Beastboy told me that he upload the video on the internet." I explain.

I look at Beastboy and he is sad because of what he did. I start "Starfire you are the first." She look suprised and nervous. She became sad.

"My parents both die. I saw my parents lying on the ground. They died. I  didn't say "Good bye" or anything I can say to them. I hear someone laugh. He called me red girl and he warn me that someday he will kill me." she tell the story to us.

Tears start fell down on her eyes. Robin came to her and hug her. A hug that makes Starfire stopped crying. It work! She stopped crying. Robin hug her even tighter.

"Raven you are next." I said. "Wait for a while." she said and go to her room. After 1 minute, she entered the living room while carrying a book in her hand.

She started "This book is not only a book. This book is dangerous. This is a spell book. When you open it, it will light so bright. When you read the spells, it may be granted."

"Okay thank you Raven." I said. "And now the last but not the least. Robin and Ryan." I said. "You may start now. I know that you have a secret. Tell it to us." I said.

"Okay when we are young I am sleeping on my room. I woke up early. I find Ryan in the house. I was looking at him. When I was on the outside, I saw Ryan riding a car. I run as fast as I could. I shout his name as loud as I could. He didn't turn around. I fell on the ground and stopped running." Robin tell the story.

"And Ryan why you left him?" I ask him.

"Because someone called me on the other world. They need my help. So I decided to come to help them. I didn't woke Robin up because I don't want to disturb his sleep. While Robin is sleeping, I said 'Good Bye'. I promised Robin that I will not leave him whatever happen. I broke that promise." Ryan explained.

I look at Robin and he said "I will go to the roof." "Robin can I go to the roof with you?" Starfire ask him. "Sure Star you may." Robin said then smiled. Starfire smiled back.

"I will go to my room." Raven said. I just nodded and she go to her room. "Me too. Bye guys." Ryan said. I waved my hand. He go to his room.

I look at Beastboy. "Dude I'm sorry." he apologize again. "It's okay Beastboy. I forgive you." I said. He smile and I smiled back. "Wanna play video games." he ask then smile widely. "Yes and I will beat you." I said. "In your dreams Cy!" he said.

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