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Markiplier pov

"well since we are cool now, but still not friends as Dark says, but at least ok with each I don't have to fucking dress up as you guys any more. Most of your outfits are a pain in the ass to get." I say while typing and getting stuff ready on my computer. "You dressed as us before" Yandere ask me. "Well yea, that's how I make the ego videos, and how most of you came to life in 1st place, I dressed up, made a personality, a small or big back story, then made the video." I say. "Who's your favorite person to dress as?" King ask me. "umm" I say starting to look at everyone and their outfit. " I might have to go with Wilofrd's outfit, it's a little out their but its cool and colorful." "Oh why thank you at least someone here has good taste" Wilford says leaning on my shoulder. "Who has the hardest outfit to dress as?" Yandere ask. "Dark's and bim's for sure." I say looking at them. "Why is that?!?" Bim says looking shocked, but dramatic. "Do you understand how hard it is to rent a fucking suit then be in it for hours, I get hot, it's hard to move like my crazy usually does." I say.  And surprisingly Dark joins the conversation "1 why can't you just by the damn suit if it's so difficult to get and 2nd it's not are my fault I dress nicely, you just have to know which KIND of suit to get." "What the hell am I going to do with a suit, I make ego videos every few years, and what if I can't fit it anymore by the time I do wear it." I say. 

The Host pov

The Host knows everyone secretly cares for everyone just doesn't want to say/show it. But sometimes Host feels left out because Host is one of those people where everyone forgets that he is there, except Dr.Iplier sometimes. Host is sitting on the edge of the large couch next to Dr.Iplier. Host starts to get up and walk away knowing no one will notice and he is just curious to explore the house. As Host starts to get up he feels the Dr. grab his wrist. "Where you going?" the Dr. ask me. "Host is going to explore the house, knowing it will bother you to guide me everywhere and Host knows no one will notice him leave anyway, except you because you care for The Host" Host answers. "I have no problem guiding you around, your nice to hang with and easy to talk to, but be careful Mark does have a dog, wait speaking of that dog. Mark?" Dr.Iplier says looking at Mark who is still for some odd reason still talking about suits with Darkiplier and Bim Trimmer. "huh? oh yea Dr.?". Mark says looking are way. host feels some egos staring at Dr.Iplier holding my wrist I slowly slide my hand out of his grip and sit on the arm of the couch muttering my narrations. "Where is your dog, I thought you had one?" The Dr. ask Mark. "oh I put her in the back yard knowing it would be weird for her to see a bunch of people who looks like me. And Dr.Iplier thank you for talking to me, I always start talking and never stop. Who's video should we start with?" Mark says looking at everyone. 

A short one for the 1st time I know surprising if you notice I left a small hint of HostxDr.Iplier i dont know why but I see them 2 together. Im also thinking of doing DarkxWilford. They are perfect for each other. Let me know who else to ship. I will leave small hints  of them in the story until later on in the book to have them confess and start. I know about the dark side of Wattpad so NO SMUT

anyway see you in the next chapter Buh-bye

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