Past Memories

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A/n~ art by @Quietmyth, so thank you :D

Time skip to about a few weeks later

Reminder: Dark and Wilford are official, Host and Dr. Iplier is official and now Google and Bing are official there just taking things slow and never had a first kiss yet. Google is still learning about feelings and affection but Bing is there to help him, Google doesn't know what the feeling is but he knows he feels a good feeling towards Bing.

Small warning: a squirrel's death

No one pov

Host is in his room cleaning it. He is cleaning because Dr. Iplier bought him a new desk as a gift since Host was complaining that his last one was to small for all of his radio equipment but there wasn't enough room to fit it so he has to move some things. But Host can sometimes get distracted while cleaning and start going through all of his old things.

While sitting on his floor and going through his closet, Host finds a box. Host takes the box and set it on his lap, "Host then mumbles to himself that he doesn't remember this box" Host narrates to himself. He then opens the box and dumps it on the ground to see what's inside. There was a notebook, a folded up black outfit, and a pen that had something engraved on the side of it. Host picks up the pin and blows on it making dust fly up in the air, Host then feels the pin and he hisses out "Author". This was his box, Host hates his past and whishes it never would of happened.

Host then dropped the pen and grabbed his head in pain as it starting pounding. "No no no no no" Host mumbles over and over again. The pain started to become even worse which caused Host to double over in pain. "H-host should of n-never opened the damn box" Host mutters. Host tried to fight it, but the pain started to become unbearable. He then passed out.

Author pov

( If you don't know who Author is then watch these )

Finally i'm out of that softie's mind. I stand up a bit wobblily, and everything is black. I forgot that fool has no eyes. But at least he has echolocation and special abilities that allows us to see. I look around and see my box on the ground and smirk. I bend down and pick up my clothes and go and get change out of this idiot's clothes.

I walk back into the room and pick up my notebook and pen. I flip through some of the pages and let past memories fill my brain. "All the great stories I made" I say. I then let out a small gasp, I see my old bat leaning against the wall. I knocked so many people out with this, then I make great stories with them. "The good ol days" I say while twirling the bat in my hands. A great idea then hits me, why does the stories have to stop? I have plenty of characters in the household, but I know Darkiplier loves to stop my fun so i'll have to keep a low profile. With my notebook and pen in hand and my bat on my back I walk out the room looking for my first victim.

While walking down the hall I run into King. "Hey Host, nice outfit" King says smiling. King would make a great character, he's sweet and gullible. "Hello King. Can I ask you a question?" I ask. "I thought you couldn't say I-" King says but I cut him off. "Do you love your squirrels?" King disregards what I says and looks at me smiling "Of course I do, i'm the king of them".

"Could you show me one of them?" I ask smiling at him. "Of course" he says playing into my trap as he leads me outside to a tree. A squirrel then comes from a branch and jumps on King's arm. King pets it while smiling happily. "Cute right?" King says petting it's head. I then open my notebook and bean to write. "It is cute, it would be a shame if you snapped it's neck". King then looks at me with a scared expression, "That would be horrible, I would never do that". I smirk at him "Well you will" I say while closing the notebook. King snaps the squirrels neck and it falls to the ground. King starts crying and lays down next to it. "No non no, i'm so sorry I didn't even mean to."

I smirk and leave him crying while going back in the house to find my next victim. When I get back inside Dr. Iplier walks up to me. "Hey Host, I hope the new desk is treating you well" Iplier says. Ohhh I can really have fun with him since he's Host's boyfriend, but i'll save him for last.

"Hello Iplier, the desk is treating me well, thank you" I say giving him a friendly smile. "I thought you could only talk in 3rd person, and when did you get a new outfit?" He says in a suspicious voice. If this stupid body had eyes I would roll them, why does he ask so many god damn questions? "It doesn't matter, now if you excuse me, i'll be on my way" I say walking away before he can respond. I continue walking looking for my next character.

Dr. Iplier

Host then walked down the hall and I look back at him confused. I didn't know he could talk regularly. He's acting weird, but maybe i'm just being paranoid. I then walk past the screen door and see King on the ground holding something close to him and I think crying? I open the door and jog over to him, "King, you ok? What happened?" I ask. "H-host d-did s-something and I k-killed" King says but starts sobbing midway threw.

"King, breathe ok? You need to calm down and explain what happened" I say calmly. King takes a deep breath in and out and says "H-host asked me to see one of my squirrels, and he was acting a bit weird and controlling but I ignored it. I came out here and showed him one of them and he was saying 'wouldn't it be a shame if you snapped his neck' and then he wrote in a n-notebook, then I-I did it b-but I didn't m-mean t-too". King then holds out the dead squirrel for me to see. "Host wouldn't do something like that, he hates using his powers to force people to do things against their will" I say.

"I-I know, h-he was acting w-weird" King says. So he's been talking regularly, acting aggressive, using his powers for bad things, and he used a notebook... "AUTHOR" I say in realization. "W-who's that?" King asks sniffling. "I'll explain later, King I need you to go find Dark and Wil and explain everything, I need to go find and save Host" I say standing up. King nods his head and lays the squirrel down gently before going inside. I go in to and go down the hall Hos- I mean Author went down.

After a few minutes I see Author leaning on the wall writing in his notebook with a bat on his back. "Author" I say walking up cautiously knowing he can over power me. He looks up at me and smiles while shutting his notebook, "You figured it out already, I was just about to find you and make a story for you". "A story is not making King snap his subjects neck" I tell him angrily. "It's a story for me, and quite a fun one may I add" he says chuckling. "Your sick" I hissed at him. "Maybe I am maybe i'm not" Author says shrugging while smiling sickly.

"Well you had your fun, now give Host back" I tell him. He just laughs at me "Host isn't coming back for a while. I've been put to rest for too long, and I have plenty of stories for everyone" he says. "Host if you can here me, you got to fight him. I know your strong enough" I say calmly. "Shut up" he hisses at me. I ignore him and keep talking, "Host, you can do this. Keep fighting him, I know you can beat him" . "I said shut up!" He yells while picking up his back and swings at me. I duck and start backing up slowly, "Host I know your in there, keep fighting. I believe in you" I say.

Author swings again but I duck, "He's not coming back! Now shut u- AAH" he yells falling to the ground in pain. He holds his head and mutters things I can't hear. I kick his bat away and keep safe distance between us incase he tries to attack again. He's then quiet for a few minutes, "Host?" I ask cautiously. "Y-yes Host is back" he says in a quiet voice. I 'm still a bit cautious but I walk over to him and kneel down next to him. Host then looks up slowly and I see he is crying blood.

"H-host let him take control again. Host is so s-sorry, h-he killed K-king's squirrel a-and-" Host couldn't finish because let out a small sob. I quickly hug him and hold him tight, "It's not your fault. That was all Author, don't blame yourself, ok?" I whisper in his ears. Host holds onto me tightly and nods his head while crying silently. Blood is getting on my jacket but I don't care. Dark and King then walk in, "When he calms down, meet us in the meeting room" Dark says walking away again with King.

A/n~ Sorry for small cliffhanger, i'll start writing part 2 as soon as I can. Remember I take request leave them in comments or dm me. See you in next chapter buh-bye :)

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