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IT HAD BEEN A few days since the conversation between the prince and princess

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IT HAD BEEN A few days since the conversation between the prince and princess. It wasn't awkward or silent anymore. Just the common joking insults weren't there as Baekhyun turned quiet, consumed by his mind. Today also was Gokyun's last day visiting her niece. It suddenly turned very busy for her workshop when people in Goyang found out that Taehee was of royal blood. "Kyungsoo almost freaked out when he saw you on TV. Him and Jongdae were about to catch the next taxi to here. But then I reminded them that they promised to help me this summer and it was perfect timing as many orders came in." Her aunt told her, making Taehee chuckle at the thought of her friends. She did miss them. She remembered, when she was younger and she had two phases where she really liked both males. But it really went downhill, when all three friends were actually like siblings.

"The next time I'll see them will probably at my wedding." Taehee sighed, resting on the couch that laid in her room. Her aunt gave a faint smile, "Probably. But it's maybe the best idea. I think if they came earlier, they wouldn't care if Baekhyun was a prince or not, they would give him a serious talking." The corners of the princess' mouth tugged upwards, finding that would be very enjoyable to watch. She watched her aunt almost fall asleep on her bed. "This is seriously the softest bed ever. And don't get me started on the house."

"You should get a new house with all the money your from these orders. You said a few minutes ago 'ladies' and 'lords' ordered from you. They must be worth a lot." Her aunt nodded into the bed: "They are. I could go from a middle-class home to a wealthy one in a few months. I will keep an eye out for one that I can also use as a workshop. But I wanted to talk about your fiancé." Taehee furrowed her brows, narrowing her eyes at her aunt. "What about him?" She asked quietly, already sighing at the mention of the topic. "See! Why do you sound so low when he gets brought up? I know you're getting forced to marry him, but you sound like you want to end your life. It can't be that bad... can it?"

Taehee propped her elbow on the arm rest, "I'm just having trouble with his attitude, imo (aunt). He's almost bipolar." Her aunt took a seat facing her properly, locking her light eyes with her niece. "There's a reason why he's like that, Taehee. It's so you can change him. This agreement and life wasn't suddenly just placed on you almost two months ago for no reason. It's just one of the challenges you have to face. And you'll learn to love him by each one."

"Love? Who said anything about love?"

"No matter how much you two hate each other or how incompatible you are. If you're going to forced into this, you'll love each other. Also, you have to have sex to make the heirs... so it's either lovely sex or meaningless sex. Plus, ever heard the phrase that opposites attract?"

• • •

Taehee has escorted her aunt to her three pm flight. She was returning from the airport with her bodyguard and driver. She raised a brow at the nervous expressions made by the security guards and the guards who opened the front door for her. A gasp escaped her lips when she finally saw what was going on. "Baekhyun! What are you doing?" She asked him, running to the male on the floor. The prince was smashing all the breakable objects in the living room. Glass pieces was mixed with fake flowers and wood from the broken tables. Blood had even made its way out on the floor. The butlers and guards were still trying to hold him back. "What happened?" She asked Sehun, but Baekhyun quickly replied instead.

"My father d-died. He had a big heart attack. I-I knew we should've put him in the hospital when he suffered one from my uncle." Taehee's mouth dropped open, her eyes widening as they filled up with tears. "Oh Baekhyun... I'm so sorry." She gently said, removing the glass pieces from his lap. She eyed the scratches on his arms and neck from breaking all the vases and decor. It was astounding to her that no tears had come out of his eyes. He was holding it all in. Because now he had truly lost everyone. Taehee lifted him slowly from the ground with the guards and Sehun. He shrugged them off, no pain was seen on his face but you could hear it in his voice.

"Don't touch me. Please... please leave me alone." He requested with a quiet voice. But it worried her that this is what Baekhyun did with people surrounding him. What could he do alone? Taehee grabbed his hand delicately, pulling him away from the glass pieces. "I'm sorry, I can't do that. You need to be with someone." She told him softly. But he pushed her away harshly, making her wince at the light pain she felt in her arm. "I said it before. You don't know anything, Taehee! You... you don't know any..." He trailed off, knees to the floor when he lost all consciousness.

• • •

"He's in a great amount of shock, your highness. I do have some pills I want you to make him take. Please make sure he eats at the proper times. Don't cause too much stress around him. The best thing for you to do is probably get him to cry healthily. It's emotional release but it doesn't pain him. Stay with him at all times. People during great shock can have suicidal or self-harming thoughts. For now, I gave him some liquid that allows him to rest. He was fatigued because of the news." Taehee bowed at the royal doctor before taking a concerned glance at the sleeping prince.

Everyone left the room except for Taehee and Sehun. She raised a brow when a letter was handed in front of her by him. "This was King Hyungseop's letter to you, it was part of his will." Taehee widened her eyes, her hands trembled as she took the envelope from him. She watched him leave the room and close the doors to Baekhyun's room. She sighed as a tear dropped from her eye.

"He knew he was going to die."


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