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a/n: THANK YOU FOR 1K rEAds you lOVeLy people

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a/n: THANK YOU FOR 1K rEAds you lOVeLy people

ALTHOUGH TAEHEE HAD JOKED after Chanyeol's insightful talk, it didn't escape her mind all night. Along with Sehun's words, her mind and heart head start working furiously. Piecing together both conversations and trying to figure out what her heart wants. Sehun was right. Love did start with friendship. And she did want to stay in his saddest and happiest moments. She even took a head-start with the passing of Baekhyun's father. But Chanyeol had condensed it down even more. Taehee couldn't spend the rest of her life to figure out whether she was in love and tell him at his deathbed.

A sigh escaped Taehee's mouth, her eyes trained on the dark ceiling. She couldn't even sleep. She had to sort this out. Even if it took her all night. Her heart seemed resistant and she needed to know why. But then it hit her. She was scared. Scared of Baekhyun's attitude. To think that he could change from then 'my princess' guy to going to 'let me go party and have sex' guy so quickly... truth be told, it terrified her. But like the King said. She was the one who needed to change that. She couldn't be scared of that.

She couldn't let that change her own feelings. Taehee groaned quietly, "Why is love so hard?" She asked to herself. She stood up from her bed, opening a window for fresh air. And was about to return to her bed when she saw a figure on the balcony across her. "What is he doing up so late? Wait- I am too." She playfully hit her head to tell herself off. But the more she watched him, the more she remembered the smaller things about him. The simple things.

How no one else made him grin with so much 'hate' when she annoyed him. Or the genuine smile ha gave her when he looked at her, that could work too. Since his confession, his dark eyes didn't cloud up to much. They were clear and portrayed his emotions perfectly. Taehee also really liked when his hair wasn't combed back by the stylists. It made him more lovable.


"Holy shit...I'm in love."

• • •

Baekhyun opened his door slightly, only his eye peaking through to see the outside. An automatic smile coming onto his face when he saw Taehee dressed for the day and coming out of her room for breakfast. He looked at his clothes, sighing as he was still in his silk pajamas. He opened the door and quickly seized her wrist, bringing her into his room. He sat the startled girl on his bed, standing in front of her. "Um- what is going on?" She raised a brow and asked, after a few minutes of hesitation. The prince sat down on the floor, holding her hands in his.

"Look. It's true I love you, but I'm not asking you to acknowledge it. These are my feelings and I'll take care of them. So don't go around avoiding me like that. I don't know why, but seeing you makes me feel like a man. You are something out of a dream - a dream in which I'm not a spoiled young prince, but a king. Taehee, I want to shine in your eyes like the stars do. Like how your beautiful eyes light up when you're happy. And I want to be part of that. I know you also don't have the best impression of me. Which kinda sucks, if I'm being completely honest. But that's also not me. You're are changing me. You know it. I know it. And my father knew it. Wait- why do you look so amused?"

Baekhyun asked at the end, furrowing his brows because he just made a wonderful speech and she was amused instead of understanding. Taehee smiled softly, moving his messy bangs so it framed his face more. He froze while his heart paced. "I look amused because I almost feel like that whole speech was useless. Almost. It did make me think even more." She repeated the word 'almost' when he frowned at her. But he still didn't understand what she was trying to get at. She tilted her head to the side, observing his passionate expression. Her mind confirmed the answer while she held prince's gaze.

"I love you,  Baekhyun oppa."

He kept smiling goofily, not hearing what she said until his face dropped. His eyes were wide, mouth left open. He stood up on his trembling feet. He got the three special words and an 'oppa'. What a miraculous day. He pulled her towards him, bringing her into a tight hug. Both of their hearts raced intensely. Baekhyun couldn't even stop smiling, if he smiled any harder it would be permanent. And as for Taehee, even though her smile was wide, her shyness reached her expression and eyes.

They pulled apart from the hug, Baekhyun staring directly into her eyes while she couldn't hold his gaze. She just got flustered from his teasing smile. He grinned cheekily, gently pushing her onto his bed. He hovered over her shy frame, before lying next to her. He neared his head to kiss her. And just as his lips were about to touch hers, Taehee's hand covered his mouth. He blinked his eyes open, raising a brow. Taehee glanced her eyes around, "You still haven't brushed your teeth. Morning breath?" She said unsurely, making him laugh lightly.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him. "I have and even if I didn't. I would still do this." He said before nudging her chin up with his thumb, and her lips parted with a sharp intake of breath. Taehee's cheeks were tinted a light red while her chest gently rose and fell. Her eyes flickered to his lips and then quickly away. Slowly, he neared his head towards her, closing his eyes to plant his mouth onto hers. A soft gasp escaped her lips as she returned the action. The taste of her lips was far more than he could ever imagine. With a tight hold, he cupped her waist and kissed her deeply, gently, passionately in his touch.

The two lovers slowly parted, holding each other's tense gazes. "You know... for someone who doesn't look that good at kissing, you are very good." Baekhyun teased after it, his hand running through her hair. Taehee hit his chest playfully, soon hiding her head into it. He released a quiet laugh, kissing the top of her head. She mumbled into his chest, "Go get changed. We need to have breakfast. Otherwise Sehun will barge up here and see." She was quick on her feet to leave his room. He chuckled at his shyness, calling out after her:

"I think I already had breakfast! We're engaged! People should be allowed to see!"

"I think I already had breakfast! We're engaged! People should be allowed to see!"

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