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T W E N T Y   -   T H R E E


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"WE'LL HAVE TO BANISH them from South Korea." Baekhyun's voice was hoarse from the pipes that were in his throat as they saved his life. Taehee stumbled off her stool, standing in front of her fiancé as she observed him for any weird signs. "You should've called from your room. There's a remote next to it to alert us. Are you okay?" He gave a soft smile, nodding his head to her. "Just one question. Who changed my clothes?" He looked down at this normal teal silk pajamas. Her face flushed red, weakly pointing to Sehun who sent a grin before getting back to cleaning.

The prince chuckled, ruffling her hair. "I wouldn't have mind if you did it." He teased her, making her lightly punch his arm, only leading him to wince in pain. Taehee gasped, "Sorry! Oh my god... I wasn't thinki—" Baekhyun put a finger in her lips, shutting her voice from talking. "I was joking. I'm still your strong healthy lover." She rolled her eyes, ignoring her flamed cheeks. The duo walked to the first floor studio. He widened his eyes when he saw a canvas in front of him. "Did you do this while I slept?"

Taehee flickered her eyes from the other paintings to the one he was fond of. She smiled at it, "I finished it while your were sleeping. I started it last week. I always hid it when you came into the studio. But I finally finished it yesterday." Baekhyun bent down on the floor, staring at the portrait of him and his father. A bundle of memories waved through his mind. Soon tears brimmed his eyes and fell while thinking too deeply. "Thank you... thank you so much, Taehee." He stood up, walking to her and bringing her into a kiss.

Taehee felt her heart pace when she felt his tears on her face. She smiled softly into the meaningful kiss, her heart breaking slowly. The two pulled apart, Baekhyun's hand wrapped around her waist as her head laid on his shoulder. "Oppa." She called out lightly, he hummed in response, looking at her. "This is kind of uncomfortable because I'm so short." He chuckled lightly, fully hugging her tiny frame. "Then I'll keep you like this. Forever in my hold."

• • •

"Today's session has been appointed in order to discuss Prince Hyeonghyuk's attempt of murder and successful treason. As we all know, he is currently in the Royal prison with a hundred year sentence. But this has called the question on whether he should be stripped of his title and banished from Seoul." The president of South Korea said. Baekhyun and Taehee looked at the rest of the parliament, feeling their anger and sympathetic eyes. Moon Jaein cleared his throat, standing on the stage in front of the members of parliament.

"Your highnesses, do you have any opinions?" Baekhyun looked at Taehee, nodding with his eyes. She opened her mouth: "I firmly believe that we should take away the family's title and ban his family, his sister and her family from South Korea. My reason for this is that we are not safe. No matter how many guards we have, there is always a chance of getting hurt. That goes the same for the future heirs of the throne." The members of parliament nodded their heads in agreement, exchanging happy chats with each other. Moon Jaein nodded when one of the members asked to speak up.

"I think a majority of us are in favor of her highness' choice. Taking away his title means all children of his children are not legally linked to the throne. Meaning legally their greed has no worth." Choruses of accepting the idea erupted into the air. The president cleared his throat once again, nodding at everyone's opinions. "To those in favor of Princess Taehee's preference, raise your and if you do not agree, keep your hand down."

Baekhyun and Taehee started of raising their hands, with every single member following after them with pure agreement. Moon Jaein also raised his hand, a faint smile given to the couple.

"All are in favor of this decision. With the signatures of their highnesses and mine, we will be stripping away Byun Hyeonghyuk and Hyeongsoo's families' titles as well as their own. Also banishing them from Korea. We will now discuss where their banishment leads them to."


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