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"OKAY. YOU TWO NEED to get to sleep. You know your little brother can't sleep without you." Thirty-three-year-old Queen Taehee told her two five-year-old twin girls. Who looked over at the four-year-old boy, blinking innocently at the three females. The two sisters giggled, getting under their blankets and laying next to Sian. "Mommy! Can you tell us a story?" Seola asked, the corners of her lips tugging upwards as she smiled widely. Taehee chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed. She pat her daughter's head gently, the little girl instantly feeling relaxed as the mother asked: "What story do you want to listen to today?"

"The one about you and dad!" Sua chorused with her younger brother. Taehee smiled to herself, "Again? You've heard that story so many times. How about the princess and the dragon?" She offered, only for three frowns to appear on the kids' faces. She put her hands up, surrendering to their puppy eyes. Her calm voice started, "Once upon a time there was a princess. Well, she didn't know that she was a princess. She lived with lovely aunt in Goyang. She didn't have too much money and always helped her aunt. Her name was Taehee. She was quiet, studied and helped a lot, and sometimes made time for her friends."

"One day, when she came back from school, she was greeted by two big men by her house. They asked if she was Taehee and she said yes. They let her in and that was when she met Ms. Oh. A lady from the royal kingdom. The normal girl found out she was a princess that day. And King Hyeongseop was a man who was temporarily guarding her place for the throne unknowingly. He was important because she was forced to marry his son because of an agreement between the old generations from both of the families. The Hwang family and the Byun family. Taehee had to adjust to a royal life. It wasn't just tiaras, dresses and dancing, my children. It also included Baekhyun, her soon to be husband."

"At first they hated each other. They just didn't get along. He made her angry and she made him angry. But one day, his family members turned greedy and wanted to be in place of the king. So they insulted her a lot. You should never ever let anyone insult you three, okay? Each of you should stick up for yourself and your other two siblings. But Baekhyun was taught very well by his parents. So he fought with his own uncle, protecting his future wife."

"Taehee didn't want to say it but she was very hurt that day. And he comforted her pain. That was when he started to fall in love..."

• • •

"And that was how the princess' hate turned into love." Taehee finished the story, properly tucking in the three children. Sian spoke in a sleepy tone, releasing a yawn: "Mom?" She hummed in response, patting the boy's head. "I hope my love story it as good as yours." She smiled at her son, kissing her son's forehead. "Yours will be even better, Sian-ah. Now go to sleep." He gave another cute yawn before heading into deep slumber. Taehee gently stood up from the bed, walking quietly to the door and switching off the lights. Softly shutting the door, she escaped into the hallway. The mother entered her bedroom, finding her husband on the balcony.

"Hello, oppa." She greeted once she stood next to him. Baekhyun turned his head from the stars, "Princess. I was just talking to dad." She rolled her eyes at the male, "I'm a queen, Baekhyun. Not a princess." He pushed the bangs out of her face, booping her nose as he spoke: "It makes me cringe if I go: "My queen". Plus, you will always be my little princess. Literally." He stood on the tips of his toes to prove his point. She shook her head, hitting him lightly in the chest. Baekhyun grinned, pulling her body close to him. He rested his chin in her nape, looking at the distance with her.

"What story did you tell the kids today?" He asked the girl, who smiled at the question. "The only one they love." The king chuckled softly, knowing how much his kids loved their story. He hoped for his own kids to fall in love like he did. With the right person and an endless amount of love. "We need to head to China with the children next week. Prince Lu Han is getting married and the day after so is Lord Yixing." Taehee told the male. Baekhyun frowned at the new information, narrowing his eyes at the top of her head. "I am never getting over the fact you danced with them now. I can't believe you still talk to them."

Taehee turned her head, closely meeting the king's face. "You are such a child. You can't be jealous over my friendships. I'm a queen. These friendships can be useful in the future." Baekhyun rolled his eyes stubbornly, nearing his face to hers. "Good call but how is your friendship with Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Jongdae useful?" A groan escaped her mouth, nudging the male and escaping his warm grip. "Stop! Now I'm seriously scared for our childrens' lovers. Specifically Seola and Sua's. You will butcher those lords and princes if they hurt them." The male smirked, his voice dropping in octaves: "Damn right, I will."

"But speaking of children. Do you want to make a few mo—"

"Baekhyun. I swear to god."

"Okay, okay... how about just a fourth child?"



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