Chapter 14: 'They said yes!"

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Bonnie's POV

Another week passed but Lyndon still hated my guts, sighing I walked slowly down the hallway. Why were cats so stubborn, I just wanted to play but whenever I went anywhere near him he would hiss, spit and whack me with his paw, claws included!

Walking into the common room I went straight to my bed which had been moved there after the Skype call incident.

"Hey Bonnie, come here girl" Smiffy called to me as he sat with Kim and Duncan. When I ignored him he looked hurt and turning to the others, "Wonder what's up with her?". Duncan looked up from his game and shrugged his broad shoulders, "Maybe you smell..." He said bluntly. Smith looked at him and rolled his eyes "Yet again you surprise me with your maturity Duncan".

"What maturity?" Kim jumped in causing Smith to laugh.

I just shut it all out and closed my eyes, hopefully Lyndon wouldn't try to kill me in my sleep.

Lewis's POV

"Well they said yes" I announced to Hannah as we sat in her office.

"They Did?" She said with delight, I could tell she was restraining herself from jumping up and down with joy.

"Yup, means we're not going to have to worry about a dog sitter since she's coming" I continued wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She looked up at me and smiled, "Hopefully this will give her a break from the office as she's been a bit off this week, ever since the incident. I still feel awful for shouting at her, you should have seen her face, Lewis she looked terrified".

Hugging her tighter I delicately kissed her cheek, "Don't worry about it, she'll lighten up"

Bonnie's POV

I woke to the sound of the door clicking open and Hannah and Lewis walking in, "There a meeting about Insomnia in 10 minuets so meet in the live stream room" Lewis announced smiling from ear to ear, obviously he was happy about something.

Tagging along I sat in the corner of the room as it flooded with people, a bit many for my liking. Luckily I has managed to find a spot next to Sjin so I felt more comfortable.

"Seems like everyone is here so I will crack on" at the front of the room Turps stood with a piece of paper as he went over the plans for the gaming convention Insomnia, where the Yogscast had been asked to take part in.

"So Sjin, Hannah, Kim and myself will be on Friday night. The Hat Lads and Sips will joining us on the Saturday, with a brief appearance from Simon and Lewis, then everyone mentioned plus Martyn and Kaeyi on Sunday" Turps announced a cheeky grin on his face. "Oh and....There will be a special Yogscast guest..." He continued. I looked around to see who it could be, Nilsey? Parv? Strippin? Who?

"Our very own Yogsdog herself.. Bonnie"

Everyone cheered and looked at me, I could feel the blush under my fur, I was going to a Gaming convention!

Authors Note

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