Chapter 19: Insomnia Day 2 [Part 1]

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Hannah's POV

Another early morning. I yawned and stretched, I really shouldn't have had the extra drink last night. As I opened my eyes I seen a very awake and alert Bonnie as she sat at my bed side. "Morning Bon" I smiled as she dropped something on my bed. I sat up to examine it and I laughed, in my hand lay a box of pain killers. "Good girl" I praised her, receiving a quiet bark in reply.

Bonnie's POV

I knew Hannah would be feeling rough after a late night so I did something that I learned from the Hat Lads when they came into the office after a weekend away.

*Knock Knock*

"Hello! Were are my girls"

I jumped trying to contain my excitement as I spun around.

"Lewis!" Hannah cheered before giving him a huge hug and a kiss. After having their moment Lewis knelt down and called me over, I put my paws on his knees and he put his arms around my shoulders and neck. "How's my little girl?" He smiled stroking my fur. I licked his cheek which caused him to chuckle.

"Ready to go!" He said as Hannah came out the bathroom all ready to go.


Like yesterday we went to the Yogscast area but the Yog crowd was a lot bigger.

"Bonnie-Bon!" Simon shouted his arms stretched out as I ran over to him and jumped up, my paws on his chest, "Aw my non-Mandrew it's good to see ya'". I barked happily then turned to the other additions to the crowd.

"Hey Fluff" Ross smiled as he petted me alongside Trott and Smith.

"So this is Lewis and Hannah's four legged babbie" a new voice chimed behind me. I turned to see a pale faced man his arms crossed over his chest, he wore a baseball cap, a 'Monster-cocks' t-shirt and jeans. Hannah must have seen my confusion as she placed her hand on my shoulder, "Bonnie this is Sips". Ahh this was 'The' Sips I had heard about. He walked over to me and stroked my head, "So your the infamous YogDog, it's a pleasure" he said with a bow and he offered me his hand, I placed my paw in his hand and he shook it. "Oh how very proper" he laughed, and so did the rest of the Yogs.

After settling down we spent the next 5 hours doing signings and pictures. I sat next to Smith and Sjin, so they gave me a sneaky treat every now and then, much to Lewis and Hannah's demise. "You are going to make her fat!" Lewis shouted along the table at Smith as he gave me another Gravy Bone. "But Lewis she is being a good girl" Sjin replied with a baby voice, I joined in and whimpered giving Lewis my puppy dog eyes. "Aw fine! But if she ends up going to the vets because she's ill, your paying the bills". I shiver at the 'V' word as more fans line up.


"Well Bonnie wins the gift pile award again today" Turps laughs as he examines the huge pile of treats, toys and drawings, "This has to be my favourite" Hannah said holding a PaperCraft Minecraft wolf but had been coloured to look like me. "Na this is cool" Sjin joined picking up a plushie that looked like me. Aww everything was just so cool!

Hannah's POV

Sjin helped Lewis and I pack up all Bonnie's gifts and place them behind the merch stall so it could be taken back to Bristol.

"Main stage in 30 minutes!" An organiser announced as we packed up. "TTT and Murder on the main stage, get ready to eat some shit" Ross chuckled as he munched on some of the Kinder chocolate that he had been given. I rolled my eyes before turning to find Bonnie sitting with Sips, "Got a new pal?" I asked Sips as he talked away to Bonnie, "Um yea, seems she's better company than you lot" he laughed, "Oh is good to have you here Sips" I say giving him a hug, "It's good to be here" he smiles before we are mushed off to the main stage

"Ass kicking here I come!" Sips cheered.

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