Chapter 30: Bloated

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Bonnie's POV

A week, then another week, then another week. Soon six weeks passed and after another week at Lewis's parents I was excited to see how he was doing.

The healing process was never swift but with it now being the end of November I was ready to get back.

As soon as I heard the satisfying click of my lead I immediately padded into the office I ran to Hat Film's room, there I found Koda. He was sitting upright, tail wagging and bandages gone. I chuckled as Ross struggled to get Koda to do tricks that I could do. "Come on Koda, Switch!" The dark haired Sir tried again by the husky just looked at him and tilted his head.

"The puppy eyes won't work Koda!" I barked to him which he responded by jumping onto me, nuzzling my snout. Pushing him off I tugged his scruff toward the door, jumping at the recording light switch as I went. "Good to have you back Bon!" I heard Ross shout shutting the door behind us.

Koda walked with his flank against mine, humans held hands, we touch sides. Reaching the common room I led him to the corner of the room were our beds sat, no need for the huge padded bed now. I wagged my tail as I seen the nurse, Becca, sitting on the sofa with Duncan, his arm around her. Seems their now a 'thing', I chuckled to myself, jumping down on my bed. Koda joined me and he rested his head on my shoulder. "Missed you odd-bod" he breathed, his thick fur rubbing against my own Tri coloured coat. "Missed you too, it was quiet being the only dog again. But Lewis's parents were nice, I got spoilt" I smiled looking at my more enlarged stomach, but then again I hadn't eaten that much had I?

Hannah's POV

I walked into the comment room after finishing editing some 'Forest' which would be going up in a couple of days after being at the inlaws for a week. I smiled as I seen Bonnie and Koda cuddled up in the corner, they were a cute fluffy couple.

"Hannah, have you noticed anything about Bonnie?" Becca asked looking up from watching Duncan play a game on his iPad. "No? Well she has been eating more...." I said raising an eyebrows then I felt panic rise, "How what is wrong with her!?" I exclaimed to the veterinary nurse who had become an addition to the Yog family, since she was now Duncan's 'plus one'. Becca looked startled but her face was kind, "No, no it's nothing to worry about but I did notice she was rather bloated in her abdomen". Come to mention it I had noticed but it thought it was just that she was eating more.

"Wait you mean!?" I squealed fitting the pieces into place. "That's what it looks like to me, she looks at least 7 weeks along just by looking at her" Becca nodded with a grin. I jumped and ran upstairs to Lewis's office, barging into a recoding.

"Hannah? Where the fire?" He questioned turning in his seat looking at me as I tried to catch my breath. "We're going to be grandparents!!!!"

Authors Note

Hehe you wanted your getting

Get ready for the sound of little paw steps

Support = Chapters

~Leigh xxxx

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