Chapter 22: Home

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Bonnie's POV

Fire, smoke, burning, darkness.

Lewis, Hannah, Sjin, Ross, Smith and everyone else I cared about, I watched them as they burned, their skin melting off them like wax, dripping away to reveal muscle and bone.

"No no no!"

Lewis's POV

"Bonnie, Bonnie? Wake up Bonnie is just a dream" I pushed her softly as she yelped and kicked in her sleep. "Hannah it's getting worse!" I whimper as Hannah gets down to her knees and tries to help wake Bon as she scrambled about. I place my hand on her chest and her head shot up, she panted rapidly before placing her head back down on her paws, whining to herself. "Aww Bon"

Bonnie's POV

I tried to calm my breathing as I realised it was just a dream but it defiantly was the worst one so far, being home didn't even help. It had been a week since the..... Accident, even though my wounds were healing the nightmares were one hundred times worse.

I looked up at Hannah and Lewis's worried faces, they knew that something was up but the vet had told them not to worry, but they did, they really cared.

I had caught Lewis having a nightmare the other night but he had Hannah to snuggle up too, so he quickly got over it.

"Coming to the office Bon?" Lewis asked me grabbing his coat which he began to struggle to get into, the crutches causing Lewis to swear before Hannah helped him. I slowly got to my paws and limped over to them.

Hannah's POV

Bonnie hadn't been herself since the fire, we thought getting her home would help but no it just seemed to get worse. We took her to the vets when we got back to Bristol but the vet said she would get over it in time, I doubted that though. The spark in her eyes, the bounce in her stride it was all gone.

Once we got the office she did perk up, she does love the place but everyone knew there was something off. Instead of playing fetch with Smith she would lie in the common room and only move for a drink; the dog friendly Jaffa cakes that she loved were now left untouched.

"Hey Bon-Bon!" Sjin smiled as we entered the office, getting down on one knee. Bonnie's tail wagged slightly but her head still lay low.

"Not getting any brighter is she?" Sjin said with a frown standing up again. Shaking my head I sighed, watching as Bonnie walked off to the common room with Lewis, "Nope.... She's lifeless, she just sleeps all the time".

Sjin nodded, "Thing is, she saved us, she pulled Lewis from near death, and now look at her". I could see the hurt in his eyes as he talked about the event, he looked up as something came to mind, "Can dogs get Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?"

Come to think of it, I hadn't thought about that, I know the doctor had advised Lewis to see a therapist but Bonnie..... Oh Bonnie.

Bonnie's POV

"Hey BonnieLass" Smith chimed as he seen me at Lewis's feet, I looked at the stitches in his head from the.... accident, and it made me shiver. He stroked my head before going off to sit with Ross, Trott and Duncan. Yawning I placed my head down but then decided not to sleep, I would rather be sleep deprived then have any more nightmares.

Authors Notes

Hey all you lovely readers, sorry for the slightly shorted chapter but kinda having a bit of writers block, so thought I would explain a bit more about Bonnie's feelings. And yes dogs can suffer from PTSD, I'm starting my Vet Nursing course and it's a real thing.

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