Chapter 33: Growing

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Bonnie's POV

After the Stream being cut short on the puppies birthday Hannah and Lewis had some explaining to do, but once the puppy pics went on Twitter apparently their apologies were accepted.

1 week

2 weeks


3 weeks

New Year

4 weeks

They were growing so quickly, my little pups. Two boys and a girl. Our little hollies; a name Simon had come up with due to the time of year.

After puppy proofing one of the spare offices (the same one we used for Koda) Hannah had helped move the pups through there and they had grown and grown and grown. Homes were being finalised and names had been chosen, and yes I did have my say in the happenings and to be honest I couldn't be happier.


"Mum! Mum! Atlas keeps stealing Mr Owl!"

Rolling my eyes I looked over an one of the litter, the only girl, Melody. She was a she was more husky than Collie and had her Dad's eyes. She had the blue merle coloration in her fur but unlike myself she did not have the tan in her fur, only the white, black and grey. Looking over her little frame I seen the largest of the litter, Atlas, he was like his Dad's double, a bit more black in his fur, and was defiantly the trouble maker of the three.

Koda stepped into the room and walked over to Atlas, taking my original owl toy from the pup and placing it down on the ground. "Atlas what have we said about sharing with your sister?" He questioned the fatherly tone in his voice. The pup sighed and shuffled on his paws, "Sharing is caring" he barked looking up at his Dad. Koda smiled then nuzzled Atlas gently "Good lad now play nice".

I chuckled lightly as Koda slumped down beside me and we watched the two pups play. With a sigh I turned to see the last pup, sitting by the water bowl his head low. "Ender, please come here sweetie" I called to which the pup responded, he was the youngest and smallest of the thre, He also looked the most like a collie while the others looked more husky. He had inherited my Tri-merle coat and odd eyes and to top it off he was a right mummy's boy.

"Yes Mum?" He questioned looking up at me, tail low.

"What's wrong Ender?" I asked gently grooming him as I did so.

"Nervous..." He answered and I looked at him with questioning eyes, "Why? What's the matter?"

"Who's going to be my human? You have the tall dark haired man and the blond haired lady and they are both so nice. And Dad has the big blond man and the lady with the long brown hair, the nurse", this question threw me for a minute as we hadn't told the three of them who would be adopting them at 6 weeks, wanting it to be a surprise.

"Don't you worry sweetheart, I know that your human will look after to really well".

Lewis's POV

Bonnie was an amazing Mum, she just took it in her stride. The pups characters had began to show from week three and now at week four they were individuals. The members of the Yogscast that were interested in a pup had to be approved by Hannah and I, Duncan and Becca and off course Bonnie and Koda. The three soon-to-be owners also decided on the pups names and they fitted perfectly.

Sitting in the common room I was just chilling after a long bulk recording with Duncan and Simon. Sparkles* came in with a huge smile of his face and sat down opposite me, "I can't wait to have Melody home, Beckii have went puppy crazy in the flat" he chucked and I chuckle at this, I had never see the Area 11 singer so pumped up about anything before, he was like a kid in a candy shop.

We chatted for a while before Sjin came in his hands full of PetsAtHome bags, "Dogs need so much stuff! Atlas better appreciate this dog food I got him as the woman that worked there suggested I get the big bag". Sparkles* and I looked at each other then burst into laughter at Sjin's shopping experience.

"I'm sure he will, he's already beginning to wean onto proper food" I said remembering how happy the largest pup had been when I put in puppy food this morning.

"Good!" Sjin groaned placing the bags down and sitting on the sofa next to me. Sparkles* and Sjin began to talk about their puppy preparations and both of them simply couldn't wait until the pups were six weeks.

As for the last pup, Ender, due to his shy nature he was the last to a picked, and I still couldn't believe who wanted to take the little pup under their wing. "Alright guys!?"

I turned to see Smith at the door, Ross and Trott close behind. "How's Ender doing?" Smith asked taking a seat, I nodded and smiled, "He's doing good, he still prefers to sit and watch the others than actually play". Sighing Smith grinned, "I can't wait to take him home, I just hope he comes out his shell".

Bonnie's POV


Another fun filled day, well for the pups, I was exhausted. Koda had already went home with Duncan and Becca, he had wanted to stay but there was no point him sleeping on the rough carpet floor next to my bed we he could stay at home. I looked up as Hannah stepped over the puppy guard at the door and knelt down in front of me. "How's my girl?" She asked softly stroking my fur. I wagged my tail gently, making sure not to wake the pups who lay at my side. Hannah smiled, "The lads are so excited to have the pups in a couple of weeks, you won't have anything to worry about they will be great owners". She then stood up and switched off the room light but left the corridor light on, "Good night, see you in the morning."

Authors Note


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