thirteen - definitely whipped

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The night was young, and the stars were shining. Younghyun was driving slowly so we could take in all of the view.

I've never really been downtown. It was so much older than the rest of our city. But all of the important parts of our city were here, the courthouse, fire department, police station, and town hall.

Younghyun pulled up to a parking spot and we both got out. I still had no idea where we were going.

"Close your eyes." Younghyun said.

"What?" This isn't making any sense.

"Just close them! Trust me."

I closed my eyes. I couldn't see, but I felt Younghyun grabbed both my hands, so he was facing me, and he started walking backwards slowly and carefully.

He stopped and I tried to open my eyes. "No!" He said. "Keep them closed. We're about to go on to some stairs so be careful."

He put one of my hands on a railing and held on to the other one. We walked up a winding staircase which led to where? Still no idea.

Once we got to the top of wherever we were, Younghyun got behind me and covered my eyes with his hands.

"Okay," He said. "Walk slowly. I'll tell you when to stop."

I started walking, and I was a little scared actually. I really just let this guy take me to a place I didn't even know.

"Stop!" He said. "Are you ready?" He asked much softer.

"Um, I think so," I said.

"Okay, on the count of three, I'll pick up my hands."

He paused. "One," I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"Two," His hands were warm over my face. This actually felt really nice.


It was so beautiful.

It was downtown at night, all the street lights were shining on the old rustic buildings. Some people even had Christmas lights already hung, even though it's only November.

Everything looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Almost, perfect.

"Look, the stars!" My head turned up. From where I was, the stars shined brighter than I'd ever seen them. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Younghyun, we are we?" I finally asked him.

He smiled softly. "The top of town hall." He put his head down shyly and walked around. "I've only been here once. But I could never forget it."

I finally decided to sit down on the rooftop. I stayed there gazing at everything.

Younghyun joined me and sat close to me. We were both admiring the view.

Because of my lack of motion, I started chattering my teeth from the cold. Younghyun looked over at me, but I didn't look at him. And before I knew it, his arm was around me.

I think it's officially safe to call this a date.
- - -
Younghyun's POV

We were almost at town hall. It was perfect. The skies were clear, and the stars were bright. I couldn't wait for Y/N to see this.

I parked about a block down from town hall. There was no way I was going to ruin any sort of element of surprise I had built up.

"Close your eyes," I told her.

"What?" She looked really confused.

"Just close them! Trust me." Y/N must really not get out much. This is the like the fourth time we go somewhere she's never been. Does she ever leave the practice rooms?

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