Save me now?

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Chapter 1
"Bella" I heard from behind me.
I turned and smiled at Cameron. He came up and kissed me. I smiled then turned and walked as he walked right beside me. He grabbed my hand.
Cameron is very attractive, his teeth are perfect, his dark blue eyes look like the night sky with the sparkles in his eyes just like the stars. His hair is brown about eye length. He's also 6'1.
Then there's me, I'm 5'3, blonde, and have baby blue eyes. My Parents are divorce and my life isn't quite put together.
When my brother died it caused so much stress that it caused my parents to get divorced. I got unstable with my mental health until I met my aunt. She was a good hunter. She was a mix but, when she went on a mission and couple years ago she went missing. I became an emotional wreak again because I had no one else there anymore.
Then there was Cameron. He hasn't left my side every sense the bogging of my sophomore year but we have gotten into pretty serious fights. We wouldn't talk to each other for weeks until we decide to apologize to each other.
Now more about me. I'm also a mix. I'm a werewolf and a fairy. My mom is a fairy she's almost always absent in my life ever since she moved out. She's trying I can understand I mean she's the queen of fairies. She married my step dad and they have 4 children. They are hard to handle but they're my half siblings so I guess I have to deal with them.
Now my father is a werewolf. He's the pack leader. He took care of me after my mom moved to pixie hallow. Yes, that place does exist. My mom wants me to move there but I don't want to be small I want to be powerful.
Now once you turn 18 you can pick what you want to be but you also don't have too. 
My kind of mix is forbidden. Being a mix is very risky to supernatural beings. I will be killed if any one else found out. My kind is dangerous they say. Well I feel powerless I haven't even gotten my wings yet or my strength powers. Some powers are coming, But I would kill some one if I tried using them so I decide not to. Then I have my body guard, Cameron. My dad wanted some one to take care of me when hes gone or if I'm in a bad position. After I met Cameron, me and him clicked like our hearts just combined.
Cameron and I have been together for a year. There's this thing called soulmates which means someone's forever one. I felt like Cameron is but There's still a hole that he doesn't fit right in.
I caught myself being quiet and remembered something to talk about.
"I had a dream last night," I said looking around.
"What was it about?" he asked turning his head towards me.
"I was taken by the Dark Hunters ." I said looking at him.
Dark Hunter are the supernatural beings that kill and run test on mixes like me.
I've been getting these dreams lately and they're freaking me out. I can't stop them. Im not just afraid, I'm terrified of what can happen to me if I'm not careful.
The Hunters save the mixes. They made a group almost all of them are mixes. There's a lot of them in a group to save our kind.
He hugged me tightly.
"I'll never let that happen to you ever" he said looking down at me smiling.
I smiled looking up feeling better already. I believe him.
"Good" I said pecking his lips.

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