Chapter 22: The Birthday Special

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I practically leaped out of bed the next morning, I was so excited. I looked through my closet and tried on at least 7 different outfits. I decided on a black long sleeve shirt and jeans. I slightly touched up my hair and decided to put on a bit of Auburn dust on my lips to give them a different shade. I grabbed my purse and quietly made my way downstairs. Breakfast didn't start for another hour so I didn't want to wake anyone up. I made my way through the halls and all the way to Dumbledore's office.
"Lauren!" I recognized Harry's voice and turned around. I smiled widely when I saw him and ran towards him.

"I didn't wake you up did I?" I asked finally making it to him.

"No I was actually waiting for you, as weird as that came out, my intentions were good." I chuckled. "I wanted to give you this before you left."

He handed me a pretty gift bag and I bit my lip anxious to see what was inside. I opened and took out a Slytherin colored scarf, like the one I had complimented him on.
"Harry! I love it!" I jumped on him and hugged him tightly. He chuckled and picked me up off the floor.

"Harry it's really beautiful." I couldn't stop smiling, I wrapped it around me and then twirled in front of him. "How do I look?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Beautiful." He blushed.

"Thank you so much Harry." I leaned in to hug him, but this time it was softer hug.

"I don't wanna hold you up, you should probably get going." He said his fixing his glasses.

"Bye Harry." I smiled. "Thank you for the lovely gift."

I turned around and continued walking, hugging the scarf Harry had given me. I couldn't and didn't want to stop smiling.

I knocked at Dumbledore's door and he opened it smiling, like usual.
"Ms. Carrington! Happy Birthday!" He smiled.

"Thank you Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Here." He handed me the floo powder. "I'm sure your parents are eager to see you."

"Thank you." I took it and walked over to the fireplace. I was nervous to see them again. It'd be the first time since we got into the debate. I shook away the nerves and floo'd myself home.

I looked around and saw balloons all over the ceiling and grand staircases. I smiled and looked around in awe at the site.

"Happy Birthday!" My dad ran up and picked me up. I could feel my mums warm embrace also surrounding me. Joey, our house elf, threw confetti in the air along with two other elves.

"Let me look at you." My mum said taking my face in her hands, when my dad put me down.
"You've become so beautiful honey." She started tearing up. I pulled her in for another hug.

"Too beautiful for the boys in Hogwarts." My dad smiled, pinching my cheek.

"Even Draco?" I joked.

"Especially Draco." He picked me up again.

"And who gifted you this?" My mum asked, tugging at the scarf.

"A friend." I said hiding my smile.

"A friend? Better not be a boy." My dad joked. I rolled my eyes and looked around the house.

"I missed home."

My mum cleared her tears. "We should probably get going we have reservations for breakfast."

When we got to the restaurant. I ordered what I had always ordered there, pancakes.
My dad excused himself for a second and walked out.

"We've talked about the Weasley's invite for Christmas." She looked at me. I felt my heart stop beating for a split second.

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