Chapter 25: Cormac, Cormac

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Potions went by along with Care of Magical Creatures and along came the much dreaded DADA. I walked in and saw Ron and Harry. I walked up to them and smiled.

"Every time I come in here I hope that she's been eaten by a snake, but when I walk in I see her standing in the halls, making sure there aren't any kids catching mononucleosis in the hallways." I was tired of Umbridge, she berated Harry at all times.

"You're lucky you're on the green side of the stick, she won't leave me alone. I'm always doing something wrong." Harry explained.

"I've started losing knots of hair because of her." I squeezed my hair.

Ron chuckled. I was happy to see he wasn't completely down in the dumps.

"Ron I can't get over how nice you look in that coat." I stood behind him and fixed his collar.
Cormac appeared at the door handing Umbridge a slip of paper.

"You've got to be kidding." Ron rolled his eyes. I couldn't help but feel sorry for Ron. I knew how he disliked Cormac ever since he showed an interest in me. I dropped my hands from Ron's collar as soon as he started walking toward us.

He smirked when he saw me with Ron and Harry.

"So we meet again." He smiled. This time he took a seat next to where I sat with Draco.

"I guess we do." I answered.

He smirked. "Have anyone special in your life?"

He was bold to ask a daring question, but I wasn't quite sure how to respond.

"Many." I started playing with the back of Ron's hair. "They're called friends."

"I meant a special someone." He chuckled.

"You'll have to find out." I smiled and walked back to my seat. I walked past him and finally really felt the height difference. I could feel myself quickly fall apart as I took a seat at the table next to him. He leaned toward me in his seat.

"I'd back away if I were you. Draco doesn't like it when other guys look at me, especially Gryffindors."

"My, my, quite feisty, it's alright that's how I like them." I could feel my confidence leave the door with each word. "I'll suppose Malfoy's your boyfriend then?"

"He's very protective of his friends. Especially his best ones." I smiled.

He chuckled and leaned forward a bit more.

"I'd back away if I were you." Draco's voice said smoothly. I hadn't imagined that Draco would actually show up, so fear slightly rised inside me. I could hear Ron swear 'bloody hell' under his voice.

Crabbe and Goyle were behind him with there arms crossed. My heart leaped at how protective they were over me. I was quite enjoying my conversation with Cormac and was a little upset to see it come to an end.

Cormac smiled and winked at me and leaned back down on his chair. I smiled at him and hid it when I turned to Draco.

"Stay away from him. He might actually be worse than Potter and his pals."

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