𝓣𝓇𝒶𝓊𝓂𝒶 𝒫𝓉. 2

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Chapter 22
more then a soulmate•
Definition of the word trauma: a deeply distressing or disturbing experience.

So lost in my thought I forgot yoongi was right there. So long in my dark thoughts and depression I forgot the one person I've ever loved in right in front of me and awake. He looks scared but relieved as he immediately wraps his arms around my shoulders.

All emotions attack me and I wrap my arms around him too. Maybe even too tightly since he is very weak but I can't help it. I love him way to much to hide my feelings even in the slightest.

We pull back and attack each other's lips with longing feelings. He seems so urgent and maybe even too desperate considering Taehyung and a couple doctors are here still. We pull away and he giggles. HE GIGGLES making my heart cry out in love.

The nurse runs out calling for more doctors to see yoongi. Taehyung calls j Hope and Namjoon and everything seems still. Despite the commotion around us me and yoongi only focus on what Is in front of us.....eachother.

Even when the doctors come back I'm holding his hand looking at him. Even when Namjoon and j Hope come in crying and apologizing we focus only on eachother. As if the world around us only existed for our love.

Same day they met
(Back in time)
Jimins perspective

Skiing down the hill I am attacked with images and revelations of things to come. I can feel pain and happiness and romance and so much love it hurts. As if I'm reading my life as a book I see everything.

I see him. A child of the moon. Buried underneath the snow waiting for me. I see his face and his smile. I can hear his voice as if he's right there. I ski down to his location with taehyung. We unbury him and seeing him puts me in so much pain. He looks cold and sad I immediately hug his small frame.

(Present day)
"We've checked everything and he seems okay to go home." The doctor says put me and Yoongi are too focused on each other still we don't even spare the doctor a glance. "Thank you doctor..please excuse these two" taehyung says giggling.

We all head back to my house and during the drive I sleep. I haven't slept for the last two nights and now that yoongi is here I can finally sleep in peace.

"HOME SWEET HOME!!!" Taehyung yells while he carries our things inside. I carry yoongi inside bridal style which I know he hates since he been whacking me since I swept
him off his feet. I hear my phone buzz in my pocket which is the only reason I set my baby down.

J hope

Me and namjoon will stop by later...he wants to apologize.....again.


Okay but if he does anything I promise he'll never see yoongi again.

J hope

😂 ooOo protective Jimin I love that Yoongi is lucky

I giggle and put my phone away. I see yoongi staring st me curiously. "Just j hope. He says he's coming over with namjoon to talk." I say ruffling his hair. He rubs his head then rubs his stomach. "Is yoongi hungry?" I ask in a cute voice. Yoongi blushes and nods his head making my heart do things.

"Okay come here" I say pulling him into my arms and carrying him. I walk over with him to the kitchen and set him on the counter. I put in some music and sing while I put some food on the stove.

There's a rap part and I can't really rap so I stay silent. While I'm focusing on the food I hear a deep voice rapping along with the music. I guessed it was taehyung but I know my best friend and he can't rap.

I turn around and see my cute little yoongi rapping a hundred miles a minute to the music. He notices me and smiles cockily while he continues to rap. I walk over and wrap my arms around his waist and lean in close to him. The rap verse finishes and I sing to the rest.

After that there's a rap and vocal combination and we both nail it. We laugh into each other and stay there in shock. "Jesus y'all sounded good together. I didn't know yoongi rapped!" Taehyung says from the couch.

"I wanted to be a rapper...so I practiced a lot before the accident." He says with his deep voice into my neck sending chills through my spine. "You should rap more yoongi you sounded amazing and -...OH SHIT THE FOOD!" I yell turning my attention back to the food.

"My fooooooood..." yoongi says and I could almost hear his pout in his words. "I'm sorry baby I'll make some more." I say dumping the food I burned. Yoongi jumps off the counter and grabs a new pan and a couple of ingredients. I watch him and sit on the counter taking his spot while he slides an apron around his own waist.

I watch his back as he mixes various spices together. He looks so cool and attractive while he cooks. After 20 silent minutes he finishes the food and lays it on three separate plates. Taehyung comes over shocked and immediately starts shoving food into his mouth with wide eyes.

"THIS IS AMAZING YOONGI!!!" He yells with food in his mouth.

"You can rap and cook!?! Why didn't you tell me?" I ask eating his food and enjoying every bite. He also looks confused but then his face looks happy. "It's been awhile so I forgot about talents I have. My older brother taught me how to cook and namjoon helped me rap. When I was in a sort of coma at the hospital, my life kind of flashed before my eyes and I remembered what I was like." He says taking a bite of his food.

"Wow this is good!" He says giggling while he shoves his is food into his mouth.

I'm sorry I haven't updated much. I hope this happy chapter you'll accept as an apology. I love you guys!❤️

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