26 » Sick Heart

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"Possibilities don't hurt as much as realities. Possibilities are exciting and endless. Realities are final."

"I feel terrible..." You shivered violently in the humid room. Now that your stomach had stopped lurching you merely felt bruised inside. Curling up in the bed, you lie hopelessly like a baby.

You felt like you had the most terrible hangover of all the time, maybe it was too much champagne and the chocolate didn't mix well with it or...whatever it was; your head was pounding as if there were drums being beaten inside of your mind, powerful, echoing, extreme "thumps". You were nauseous and liable again to vomit at the slightest provocation.

Then there's this fever burning you up, body and spirit. You lie there so still as your skin radiates the heat from your blood.

Even under a light cotton sheet, you were radiating heat like a brick right out of the oven. Taehyung had not said a word since earlier, however, he took care of you and he fed you nothing but the most watery of soups, so diminished was your appetite.

Taehyung could even hear your gasps and groans from clear outside the room when he would go get a glass of water or more soup, it was a barking cry that carried well through walls.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and laid a wet rag on your head, it's coldness causing you to quiver and whimper. His face frowned, you could see the annoyed flame in his eyes. "See this is exactly what I'm talking about, since your husband is so great and cares about you, why isn't he here taking care of you?"

"Taehyung, please don't start this again." You groaned and turned your head away from his gaze, dismissing his desired question.

"I won't, you're not feeling well so I'm going to do my job as a man and take care of my woman."

"I-I'm not your woman."

"Oh say whatever you think, but since I'm the one taking care of you when you just threw up on me AND I'm still letting you lay in my bed, I think I've earned the right to call you my woman."

Your eyes lay on Taehyung's, the seriousness in his eyes. The aura portraying him is almost scary. You read him, flipping through all the pages like a book, although you would never think it be that simple. People make it sound like you can just look at someone and know exactly what they are thinking at all times, but that can't be the case, can it?

You watched his eyes falter and he shakes his head. "I'm sorry for that, that was wrong of me to say, just here, take these." Taehyung sighs and reaches for the Pepo Bismol bottle on the end table. He opens it and hands you a tablet, holding the glass of water in his other.

"Thank you." You take the tablet and reach for the water in his hand, seizing it down your dry throat.

"You're welcome.."

Taehyung nodded his head. You noticed he avoided meeting into your eyes for a spilled-second then with a burning passion in his eyes, he stared thoroughly.

"Chan-ri..?" Taehyung's eyes trailed down, his sight was on your tummy. He stretched out his hand and tenderly placed his palm against your stomach, glancing back up at you. Your eyes fall to the firm feeling and you feel your jaw clench in anticipation, already waiting for the discomfort to follow. Your stomach feels like it has been flash-burned with acid from the inside - just sufficient to make them move like the living cells have been replaced by aging rubber bands, thick and twisted. You swayed your head, writhing under his touch.

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