Just Another Day

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Her name was Liu Fangsu.

"God damn it, that's the third time this week." 

The girl sat up, taking in her surroundings. She found herself on the cement again, her pink bike toppled over next to her with its wheel spinning. 

"Alright, take two," Fangsu mumbled. She got herself off the hard ground and mounted her bike a second time. She pulled out her phone and selected her favorite song. Tame Impala's The Less I Know The Better. Her finger pushed the play button. 

Her feet had a mind of their own as she pedaled, making her way down the street. Fangsu's wavy black hair had a glossy shine under the sun while the warm summer breeze grazed her features. 

She'd just finished her last class of the day, and Fangsu couldn't be happier. She didn't have much work to do that day, either. Going home to her dorm was the best part of her day. The journey with just her on her bike, listening to music, and just letting the breeze hit her was the best feeling. It was a time for her to relieve herself of the day's events. 

Before she knew it, Fangsu had reached her dorm. Eximia was known for its funky designed buildings and the aesthetic. 

She hopped off her bike and secured it in one of the bike racks, then started heading to her dorm building

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She hopped off her bike and secured it in one of the bike racks, then started heading to her dorm building. Fangsu was a resident of the pink building. The sound of her converse echoed as she ran up the stairs inside the building. She pulled out her earphones and listened to the laughter of her fellow residents and classmates. 

Fangsu stopped in front of a blue door, labeled 208. 

She leaned against it, fishing around her pocket for the key when the door flew open. She lost her balance and went crashing onto the floor. 

Fangsu opened her eyes and saw her roommate/best friend standing over her. 

"What's up, buddy?" 

Her name was Huang Meixing.

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