Bottle of Memories

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(Bold is Chinese.)

An intellectual. 

That was what Meixing was. An intellectual. She was incredibly smart, knowing almost everything. She knew she didn't know everything, but she did know that she had a passion for learning. She always wanted to increase her knowledge, research about things that piqued her interest. 

She was a Memoralis witch. These were the witches who knew all, the wisest of the world of magic. Memoralis witches were limited in number, nowadays. Huang Meixing had a rare talent.

Meixing biked down the somewhat busy campus streets. She biked past a few boys making their way back to Dominatus, which reminded her of the boy from earlier. She was listening to a song called Pleaser, by Wallows. They were one of her favorite bands, never failing to help her take her mind off things. At the moment, though, the music seemed to fade away as she thought about the Dominatus kid. 

Xiao Dejun. 

"Dejun? Xiaojun?" she muttered, trying to see if she recognized the name. She reached the dormitory building before she knew it. 

Meixing felt like every day was the same. It was the same routine: wake up, eat, go to class, come back home, do work, sleep. Today, on the other hand, she had something else on her mind. Meixing entered her room. Her roommates weren't back yet, which gave her some time to dig around. 

She stepped into her bedroom and retrieved a bottle from a shelf. It was a tall bottle, although small, filled with purple glitter. At least, that's all it seemed to be to a foreign eye. In the eyes of a Memoralis, that bottle was filled with memories. 

When one is a Memoralis, their memories are documented and kept. Every Memoralis had a bottle designated for their memories. Over time, it'd fill up, taking up more and more space inside the bottle. Each spec of glitter was a single memory. 

Meixing removed the cork from the bottle, placing it aside with a shaky hand. "Xiao Dejun," she said firmly. Within seconds, a bright light came from inside the glass. Meixing snapped her fingers and the glitter started to spread to the edges of the bottle, forming a dip with the shining memory. It was in the shape of a star. Meixing watched it rise. She scooped up the floating star and held it in her palm. As soon as her index finger touched it, she felt her eyes close as she went back in time. 


Meixing was crouched down behind a bush, watching two kids play. A little girl turned around, her curly hair looking like a mess. She flashed a toothy grin at the small boy running up to her. She enveloped him in a hug. 

"Jun!" she exclaimed. She laughed and clapped her hands. "What took you so long? We have to go to school, remember?" she asked, reaching up to tap his forehead. The boy laughed and shook his head. 

"Then why are we standing here? Let's go!" he proclaimed, taking a hold of the girl's wrist and dragging her to the bus stop. 

That curly haired girl was Huang Meixing. 

Meixing stood up, no longer hiding behind the itchy leaves. She let the crisp cool air hit her face as she thought about that memory. That boy...


Meixing was back in her room, holding the shining star in her palm, staring at a wall. She gasped and slipped the glitter back into the bottle, sealing it and putting it back in its spot before grabbing her coat and rushing out the door. 

She ran as fast as her legs could take her, flying down the stairs. She mounted her bike and rode off. Meixing's feet pedaled as fast as they could, trying to rush to the library. She hoped he'd still be there. 

Meixing reached the library in no time. She hopped off her bike and ran to the entrance, looking through the windows to see if the boy was inside. She was about to open the door when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Looking for someone?" 

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