A Life in the Clouds

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(The dialogue in this chapter is in Chinese.)

Tungmei woke up with a jolt, her hair sticking to her sweaty face. She panted heavily, keeping her eyes straight ahead. It took her a moment to understand where she was, but she eventually calmed down when she realized she was in her room. The warm sunlight grazed her skin as she sighed and got out of bed. 

She opened her window and saw the usual blue building across the street. Tungmei knew it was Saturday, but she still had practice at the RBW building. She closed her eyes as she performed her daily routine. 

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"I think Tungmei had another nightmare," Meixing said, taking a bite out of her apple. Fangsu stopped eating, her spoonful of cereal hovering over her bowl. 

"Really?" she said after swallowing. 

"Yeah. I heard her scream a couple of times in the night." Meixing sighed, finishing her apple. She tossed the apple core in the trash can, making it perfect. Fangsu sighed, chewing her corn flakes. 

"Do you think it's gotten worse?" Fangsu asked. 

Meixing drummed her fingers against the wooden table, pondering over the question. "I think so. It seems like it." Meixing suddenly stood up, pushing her seat aside. "But I don't wanna ask Tungmei, cus we-"

"Ask me what?" 

Fangsu's eyes were fixed on Tungmei's tired and confused form, quickly scarfing down the rest of her cereal and chugging the milk. She left for the kitchen before Tungmei could ask more questions. 

"Tungmei, have your..." Meixing trailed off. "How was your sleep?" she asked, leaning on the counter with her arm. Fangsu snorted, suppressing her laugh while giving Meixing a sarcastic thumbs up. Meixing shot daggers at her. 

"Um...yeah," Tungmei said. 

'A lie.' Meixing knew it. A Memoralis knew all. She could tell from her knowledge about body language that Tungmei was lying. Tungmei usually moved around while she spoke, but Meixing noticed the lack of emphatic gestures. There was no finger tapping or pointing. On top of that, she was swaying backward a little, a subtle way to tell that a person wants to keep their distance from the target. 

A lie indeed. 

"Tungmei, your nightmares got worse, didn't they?" Meixing asked. Her 'Don't Give Me Any Bullshit' face made Tungmei swallow hard. She gave up, releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding. 

"Yeah. I mean, only last night's nightmares got worse than the usual ones," she explained. Meixing kept quiet as she listened to her friend. "I've been putting rosewater on my pillow, though. For the past three days, actually. It really does work!" Tungmei clapped her hands, clearly amazed. Meixing chuckled. 

"You didn't put it on your pillow last night? How come?" Meixing questioned, her chin resting in her hand as she looked at Tungmei. 

Tungmei grabbed a hair tie off her wrist, tying her hair in a ponytail as she explained, "I don't know, actually. It just kinda ... slipped my mind, ya know?" Tungmei shrugged it off and grabbed a banana from the fruit bowl, peeling it while grabbing her shoes off the rack. 

"Ready to go?" Tungmei asked. Meixing nodded, slipping her feet into her shoes. She tied her shoelaces as she heard Fangsu's socked feet hurry across the wooden floors. 

"I'm ready," Fangsu said. The three walked outside their room and headed downstairs to go to practice. They decided not to take their bikes since the RBW center was just a few buildings down. 

"I need to tell you guys something," Tungmei started. The girls turned their heads, giving her their attention. "What's up?" 

Tungmei sighed, scratching the back of her neck. "So I've been having these weird dreams ... I wouldn't say they're nightmares, though. They're far from that. But they started coming some time last week," she said. She paused to catch her thoughts, trying to figure out how she would explain the situation. Tungmei opened her mouth then closed it. 

"Is it bad?" Fangsu asked, placing a hand on her arm. She shook her head. 

"No, no." Tungmei sucked in a deep breath. "I started having dreams about this boy. I ran into this guy when I was coming back from a trip to the magic spell shop. When I came home and dropped the rosewater on my pillow that night, I started having dreams about him. The nightmares went away, and were replaced by dreams about him."

Fangsu and Meixing shared a glance, both looking puzzled. "I'll have to look into that," Meixing mumbled to herself. The mental note-to-self was stored in her memory. 

"That's not all though!" Tungmei suddenly exclaimed, startling the two next to her. Fangsu's eyes were wide as she held a hand over her heart. "Jeez," she whispered. "Sorry," Tungmei nervously said. 

"As I was saying," Tungmei giggled, clearing her throat and animating her movements. She pointed a finger in the air as she spoke, making herself seem like a director. "I actually ended up meeting the boy." 

Meixing choked on her own saliva and started coughing. "You what?" Fangsu shrieked. Meixing and Fangsu's jaws dropped, staring at Tungmei with eyes saucer-sized eyes. 

"Yeah..." Tungmei said, moving to place a hand underneath Meixing's chin. "A fly's gonna go inside your mouths if you don't close 'em," she scolded, the two immediately shutting their mouths. Their teeth clacked at the same time. 

"Anyways, yeah. I met him. I ran into him, actually. We ended up chatting a bit. His name's Liu-" 


The three girls spun around, watching a boy come running down the sidewalk to catch up to them. Tungmei stepped forward as the girls continued to watch. "YangYang," she greeted. "How are you?" she asked. 

Meixing watched the scene with curious eyes but was interrupted by a forceful tug on her arm. She lost her balance and hit Fangsu's body, now out of earshot. "Why'd you do that?" she asked.

"I'm getting the feeling that he's the boy from Tungmei's dreams." Her eyes cut to YangYang and Tungmei chatting along the sidewalk. "YangYang, I think," she continued. Fangsu looked back at Meixing. 

She looked back at the two and nodded. "You think we should ditch 'em?" she asked. Fangsu smirked and nodded. Meixing grabbed Fangsu's wrist and took off running, dragging Fangsu behind her.

"Long time no see," YangYang said, a huge grin on his face. 

"Yeah," Tungmei said. She suddenly snapped her fingers, saying, "Oh! I want to introduce you to my friends..." Tungmei trailed off as she turned around and saw no one behind her. They took off. "And they left. Nice," she sighed. She heard YangYang laugh behind her. 

'I'll get you back.'

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