The Handsome One

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(Bold is Chinese.)

Kunhang didn't ask for his good looks, but he sure wasn't mad about it. No one else was, either. 

After securing his bike, Kunhang was making his way to the library again, not surprised by the number of glances and stares he got from the girls he passed by. Kunhang knew he wasn't a bad looking guy, but he wasn't cocky. He didn't think he was the most handsome man to ever exist, either. 

Kunhang ran a hand through his thick black hair. He took a deep breath when he reached the library, opening the door and being welcomed by silence. He made his way through the aisles of books, nodding his head at a few girls who were watching him with their jaws dropped. 

Subtle, he thought. 

He reached the same vacant table he visited last, placing his bag on the desk and fishing through the pockets. Kunhang looked for the pencil he had slipped into his hoodie's pocket, digging around for a few moments. He sighed when he gave up and searched for another one, not surprised when he realized he had no writing utensil on him. 

Kunhang was about to sit down, placing his hand on the back of the chair, when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a girl that immediately brought a smile to his face. 


She had coincidentally been walking behind him when she saw a pencil fall to the ground. She stood in front of Kunhang, the pencil in her outstretched hand. 

"I believe you dropped this," she whispered. Her fingers peeked out from the long pink sleeves of her sweater, holding the pencil. Kunhang gratefully took the pencil from her hands, his fingers gently brushing hers. 

"Thank you," he said, nodding at her. He watched her walk to the table across from him, also vacant. He sat down in his seat, pulled out his materials, and began his long study session. 

From time to time, Kunhang would glance at Fangsu, removing his eyes from his work. That part was easy, but tearing his eyes off Fangsu was the hard part. She had a bit of a smile on her lips as she scrolled through her phone every now and then. He figured she gave herself breaks in between her studying. He would watch her cover her mouth to stop herself from making a noise, but the way she looked when she smiled and laughed was striking. 

Kunhang would often catch himself focused on her rather than his work. He even got caught a couple of times. Fangsu would glance up then back down before realizing Kunhang was staring at her, which would cause her to look back up and smile. 

When Kunhang checked the time after his studying, he decided he'd done enough work and packed his things, zipping his backpack up and throwing it over his shoulder. He pushed his chair back in and saw Fangsu look up at him from the other table. He gave her a small wave and flashed his stunning smile before walking out. 

When Kunhang walked out, he was greeted by a girl standing right in front of him, a huge grin on her face. He looked a little concerned and tried to move away, but her shrill voice stopped him in his tracks. 

"Hi!" she said, waving. "You're from Dominatus, right? I'm Kwon Jimin, nice to meet you." Jimin took Kunhang's hand in his, shaking it a little too enthusiastically. 

"What's your name?" 

Kunhang really didn't want to answer but felt he had no choice. "Kunhang."

"Oh, well. It's nice to meet you, Kunhang," Jimin said. Kunhang already knew she was being fake. "I've seen you around a couple of times, do you know your way around?" she asked, getting closer and closer to the uncomfortable boy. 

Is this how I looked when I talked to Fangsu the other day?  Kunhang wondered.  He backed up a bit, his back hitting the wall. He scanned the area, desperately trying to find some way to escape. "Y-Yeah, I know the campus pretty well. I also have to get going, so-"

Just when Jimin was about to get way too close for comfort, he saw a girl appear, her back to him. It was Fangsu. 

"Jimin, leave room for Jesus," Fangsu said, waving her arms in between the two, creating an invisible barrier. "Gosh, you didn't even give Kunhang room to breathe." Fangsu rolled her eyes, stepping away. 

Jimin glared at Fangsu, then eyed Kunhang. "You know her?" Kunhang nodded.

"Not well, though."

Fangsu turned to Jimin. "Jimin. Buddy. I know you can't resist dudes. But you have to let people breathe. Otherwise, you're gonna end up killing someone."

Jimin's jaw dropped, the most offended look on her face. She glared and pointed at Fangsu. "Just you wait, Liu. I'll get you back."

"I look forward to it," Fangsu spat back. She watched a fuming Jimin storm off. She turned back to Kunhang and made an 'ok' sign with her hands. "You alright?" 

He nodded, shocked and amused by what had happened. He still had no clue what had happened, though. His mind was dazed. 

"Yeah ... I'm fine. Thank you," he smiled. "She was getting really close and I was uncomfortable," he said, recalling the panic he felt earlier. 

Fangsu nodded understandingly. "That's Kwon Jimin for ya. What can you expect from the school's queen?" she mumbled, barely whispering the last part. She hated how the college had a social pyramid. It seemed like Fangsu could never get away from it. Fangsu turned away from Kunhang, walking to the bike stands. Kunhang followed, walking beside her. Fangsu glanced to the side and raised an eyebrow.

"What's up?" she asked. She kept her eyes on her bike as she undid the locks. 

"Nothing much. I was just wondering if you'd like to hang out." Kunhang scratched the back of his head, his fingers messing with some of his hair as he waited for a reply. 

"I-" Fangsu thought about the offer. There's no harm in it she thought. Besides, he seems pretty nice. "Sure. That's fine with me."  Kunhang's smile grew, the two grabbing their bikes to find a place to hang out. 

Off she went with the handsome one. 

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