The Man With the Scar

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In front of Tungmei stood a burly man. He towered over her, his height at about five feet and eleven inches. Tungmei looked at the man's face. He had a bit of stubble and thick hair, the dark locks falling in front of his brown eyes. Along the side of his face ran a jagged scar, from his temple to his chin. He had a tough appearance, but he wasn't a scary man. In fact, he seemed a bit handsome. 

Still, Tungmei was frozen in place. 

The man raised a muscular arm, reaching out to pat Tungmei's shoulder. She dodged his hand, backing away in seconds. 

"Who are you?" Tungmei's voice was firm and brave, unlike how she felt on the inside. "Why are you here?" What-"

"My, my. You sure do ask a lot of questions." The man clucked his tongue, then smiled, moving past Tungmei. "Let me tell you, you really have grown quite a bit." 

Tungmei had seen that man in her nightmares. In each dream with him in it, the man would stand at her bedside, watching her. She was never able to tell is he was watching her in a good way or bad, but she did know that she never heard his voice in her dream. 

"I've seen you in my dreams," she blurted. She shut her eyes tightly, mentally slapping herself. The man smirked, turning to face her. 

"Is that so? My, what a turn of events." The man paces around, his steady footsteps and smooth voice intimidating Tungmei. She pointed the flashlight in his face, causing the man to raise his hand as a shield. 

"I asked you a question."

"I didn't know," the man laughed. 

"Shut up!" Tungmei was going insane, already. "Who are you? Tell me right now!" She didn't bother to hide her impatience. 

"Just call me Qiang." He smirked down at Tungmei. "Do me a favor."

"No. Answer my questions, first." 

Qiang whistled, taking a seat on the cold ground. "Well," he said. "You gonna join me or not?" Tungmei was disgusted, a frown on her face. 

"I'll pass, thank you," she replied. 

"Suit yourself. Now, ask away."

Tungmei raised an eyebrow, shining the flashlight at Qiang again. 

"Ah! Okay, can you stop with the flashlight? It's going right to my eyes-" 

"Shush!" Tungmei lowered the light. "How do you know my name? And why-"

Qiang got up and started walking out of the tunnel. Tungmei watched him, bewildered, before running after him. 

"Wait! Get back here! Scarred Dude- I mean, Qiang! Stop!" Tungmei finally caught up to Qiang, walking alongside him. Before, she had been afraid of who the shadow might belong to. Now, she felt more perplexed than terrified. 

"Yes, Miss Tungmei?" he asked casually, glancing to the side. His eyebrow was raised in anticipation, but his strides remained even and speedy. 

"You didn't even answer my questions. You didn't even sit down for thirty seconds!" 

"Look," Qiang said. He stopped abruptly and faced Tungmei, placing his hands on her shoulders. She shook his hands off, backing away a bit. "For now, you only need to know one thing. And I already told you what that was. Call me Qiang." 

Tungmei shook her head. "No, that doesn't-" 

"Look, I'm running short on time. I'll explain everything else next time." 

Tungmei crossed her arms, glaring at the muscular Qiang. "How do you know you're running short on time?" 

"My watch." 

Tungmei grabbed a hold of Qiang's wrists, holding them in front of his face. "Not a single watch in sight, sir," she sarcastically spat. 

Qiang tugged his wrists out of her grasp, glaring right back at the girl. He stood silently for a moment before saying, "Don't worry about it." He snapped his fingers and disappeared into thin air. 

Tungmei stood alone in the street, the chilly night's breeze blowing her hair into her face. She kept her eyes fixed on the spot where Qiang had been standing, bewildered. 

"Wait." She suddenly looked up and lifted a finger before asking herself, "Did he say next time?" 

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