Aerospace Dummy

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Lihua walked down the hallways of the aerospace building with Fangsu. They had the same major. They had finished their classes at the same time, so the two decided to leave together. 

Even though Eximia was a university, the social aspect of it was like high school. Everyone knew each other, surprisingly. There was still a social pyramid. The only difference was the workload and lifestyle. 

When Fangsu and Lihua walked out of the building, the saw the last person they wanted to see. Kwon Jimin. She was the university's resident bully. Just your average, self-obsessed girl. 

"Oh, no. Is she coming this way?" Lihua whispered, nudging Fangsu's side. Fangsu nodded. "I think," she replied. 

The color drained from Lihua's face. Jimin had a tendency to bully Lihua and Meixing the most, and she didn't really feel like dealing with her attitude today. Lihua nervously nodded. 

"A-Alrighty, well, I'll see you around, Fang. I'm just gonna..." Fangsu turned to the side and saw Lihua run off to the Pink hall at full speed. 

Fangsu sighed. "No..." she groaned as she saw Jimin coming closer. She didn't even bother to fake a smile when Jimin stopped in front of her.

"Hi, Fangsu," here shrill voice said. 

"Bye," Fangsu said, turning the opposite direction. 

"Oh no, you don't." Jimin grabbed Fangsu's hand and pulled her back, much to her dismay. She grew impatient immediately, crossing her arms and tapping her foot expectantly. 

"Well? What do you want?" She wasn't in the mood to waste her time being polite. Especially for Jimin. 

"I was just wondering if you could do me a favor?" Jimin asked. 

Fangsu laughed. "The hell? No." Jimin sulked and rolled her eyes. 

"You didn't even let me finish."

"I don't need to. Everything that comes out of your mouth is stupid." Fangsu ignored the offended look on Jimin's face and turned around. She walked off in the other direction. 

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

Fangsu brushed her hair aside as she chewed on the cap of her ballpoint pen. She sauntered down the bustling sidewalk. She reached the library and hurried to the aerospace science section, where she found just the book. She was about to grab it when she realized it was too far up for her. 

"Why?" she suspired. She kept her eyes fixed on the book, wishing it would come down. Then a grin came to her lips. "Oh yeah, I'm a witch," she whispered to herself, suppressing a chuckle. "I seriously forgot." Fangsu stared at the book and snapped her fingers. The book started to glow a pink hue, slowly floating away from the shelf. Fangsu snapped her fingers once more, causing the book to stop glowing and fall down, landing perfectly in her outstretched hand. 

Fangsu spun on her heels, leaving the aisle and heading to the checkout desk. She finished checking out her book and headed to the farthest corner of the library, all the way at the back. She was a fan of the quiet atmosphere, the fact that there were hardly any students in that area. She took a seat, got herself situated, and got straight to studying. 

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

They called him Wong Kunhang...

Kunhang decided it'd be best to get some studying in before his project design class the next day. He hurried down to the Eximia library, ignoring some of the glares he got. He walked in, grabbed a book on physics and functions, and took a seat at a vacant table. 

There was a girl sitting at a table across from him on the other side of the room. Every time Kunhang looked up from his book, he saw the girl's nose head buried in her own book as her hand quickly scribbled things down in her notebook. 

Kunhang got bored after a while, which ended with him staring at the girl across from him. She had jet black, medium length hair that was neatly pulled back into a low ponytail. Her hair would occasionally slip over her shoulders, revealing the slight curls at the ends of her hair. The girl wore a green and white plaid flannel over a rust-colored t-shirt. Her sleeves were folded up to her elbow. She had her earbuds in, her head slightly nodding to her music. Her eyes moved back and forth from her book to her notes. Her hand would quickly scribble down some notes after she read a few sections in her book. His eyes were able to make out the cover of the book as she held it up in her hand, her face completely disappearing behind the cover. 

Aerospace Engineering for Dummies. 

His eyebrows shot up, disappearing underneath his bangs. "Wow," he mumbled. 'She must be majoring in it,' Kunhang decided. He was impressed. 

Kunhang didn't even realize he had a grin on his face. Kunhang saw that she was undoubtedly beautiful, but he couldn't help but focus on how friendly the girl's features were. Her big, dark eyes, the way her long eyelashes cast a shadow over her cheeks. Even the way her nose was perfectly proportional made it impossible for Kunhang to take his eyes off her. 

'How cliché,' Kunhang thought. He went back to his book, scanning the pages over and over. He was beyond bored and eventually shut his book. He sighed, feeling mentally drained, and packed his things. Kunhang eventually swung his bag over his shoulder, pushing in his chair after standing up. 

He glanced one last time at the girl, but this time, she looked up. She looked confused at first, whereas Kunhang looked embarrassed. The girl gave flashed a quick smile, a friendly one. Kunhang returned the smile and watched her turn back to her work. He, too, turned and left the library. 

'See ya later, aerospace dummy.'

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