All Fall Down

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(Bold is Korean. Everything else is Chinese.)


Liwei was in her room, quivering. She peered out the doorway, looking at Lihua. Liwei was a fun and energetic person, never showing fear. That day was the first time Lihua ever saw Liwei so scared. 

Lihua was like the motherly figure in the group. She was always there for her friends, ready to drop everything to help them out. Lihua herself was afraid, but she powered through it and walked over to a vulnerable Liwei. She gave her a hug, rubbing her back. 

"I'm sure it'll be fine," she soothed. Lihua didn't believe herself for a minute. She just hoped the world she had felt so safe in wouldn't come crashing down. 

"Attention. Attention all Eximia students." The speaker came on, the voice of the headmistress sounding off the walls. "We are currently on lockdown. Be sure all of your windows are locked, doors are closed. Stay inside until further notice."

Liwei glanced at the window, which was open. She rushed over and slammed the window shut, locking it and drawing the curtains closed. "Fuck," she muttered. Lihua turned around, taking in the sight of the dorm room. Phitsamai was casually eating an apple in the kitchen, but Lihua could tell there was fright in her eyes. 

The building, which was normally bustling with joyous students, was pin-drop silent. Phitsamai saw what had become of their dorm. The shelves that carried books about magic history now held Alium literature. It may have just been a lockdown, but every girl was horrified. No one moved a muscle in fear that the next minute, the Aliums would come attacking. 

A sudden sound outside the silent building grabbed Lihua's attention. She turned and made her way to the window. She closed her eyes and chanted in Latin, "Disappear, disappear. Be clear." The curtain turned transparent, allowing Lihua to look out the window without actually being seen. 

Liwei joined Lihua, gazing off into the distance. Lihua's limbs went weak, her stomach flipping. Liwei's heart was pounding as she felt her palms grow sweaty and her hands trembled. Phitsamai gasped behind them. 

In the distance was a dark cloud of smoke, polluting the clear blue sky. The shining sun was overshadowed by gray. Lihua snapped her fingers, the curtain returning to its original form. She turned away quickly, making a beeline for her room. She chanted the same spell, staring out at the smoke. It was spreading. 

The color drained from her face as reality struck her. She knew exactly where the smoke was coming from. 

Eximia's Health Science building. 

She wanted to cry out, run outside and warn everyone, scream until her lungs gave out. Lihua ignored Phitsamai and Liwei's cries as she bolted down the stairs. She quickly muttered a spell and watched herself turn invisible. She snapped her fingers and ran through the door without opening it. Her invisible feet crashed against the ground with each step as she sprinted to the administrative building. She didn't care that she'd get in trouble. If it was a quick lecture against death, she'd choose the lecture. 

The nauseating scent of smoke filled the air. Lihua felt like throwing up as the odor became too much for her to handle. She kept running. She ran until her feet ached, until she felt like her lungs were being ripped out. 

Lihua ran to save her people. 

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Tungmei had a night terror about the fire. She woke up sweating, her shirt stuck to her body. She had a dream about a fire killing everyone she knew and loved. Tungmei brushed it off. 

Then her dream became a reality. 

Meixing looked out the window, her eyes fixed on the flames approaching faster and faster. Her heart pounded faster and louder as she tightly grasped Fangsu's arm in horror. Fangsu closed her eyes tightly, a shaky sigh escaping her lips. Her knees were limp, her hands shaky, and her eyes were wide. 

"Wait," Tungmei suddenly said. "Is that ... Lihua?" Tungmei's voice screamed in panic. Meixing's hands were pressed up against the window. She saw a girl running as fast as she could, back to the building, her feet practically flying beneath her. Fangsu backed away quickly, throwing the door open and scrambled out of there, speeding down the stairs. 

"Lihua!" Fangsu wailed. She stopped halfway before she reached Lihua, though. The blazing fire was closer, another building burning down. The business building across the street. 

Lihua shook her head, swallowing hard. She grabbed Fangsu by the wrist and ran up the stairs, screaming. "Get out!" she hollered. "Everyone, get out! We need to leave right now!" 

One by one, a swarm of witches came flooding the stairwell. The panic was rising as everyone watched the fire grow angrier, stronger. The speakers suddenly came on, the sirens wailing all over again. 

"All Eximia students, this is not a drill. Evacuate in an orderly fashion. Evacuate now!" It was Jintao Yang. Liwei, peering over the railing, closed her eyes tightly, trying to shield her vision from the bright lights of the alarm. The piercing screams of the students and the sirens came together, creating utter chaos. The doors flew open, everyone running out as fast as they can, all thoughts of being orderly forgotten. 

As soon as Weijian got out, she held onto Manaka's arm, not wanting to lose her in the chaos. She turned and saw Lihua holding the door open, rushing everyone out to safety. The plan was to run. The screams of the sirens could be heard all over campus, echoing off the buildings. 

Tungmei felt the heat growing closer, the sound of the crackling flames becoming all too loud. She turned and saw the fire, a mix of bright orange and red, swallowing the business building. It came crashing down. Smoke came closer to the girls, covering their faces in soot. 

Death was closer than ever. 

Meixing grabbed Tungmei's wrist and hauled her away. "Why are you just standing here?" Meixing shrieked. Tungmei turned, still shocked, and saw a single tear trail down Meixing's cheek. 

Everything came crumbling down. 

As the girls ran as fast as they could, Tungmei couldn't help but think about how one thing led to another. She coughed, the smoke filling her lungs and the heat from the flames stinging her skin. Meixing closed her eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling. 

How quickly we all fall down. 

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