The Other Side

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His name was Dong Sicheng ... 

Sicheng strolled down the campus sidewalks, heading to the SM Rookies building. His school, Dominatus, had a program where young wizards could audition and become trainees for the company is they wanted to go into the music industry. Sicheng had a natural talent for talent and singing, which helped pass his audition. Now, he was a trainee under SM Entertainment, and he was getting closer to achieving his dream. The sun was coming out for him. 

On the way to the building, Sicheng came across a flyer attached to a brick wall. He stopped to read the words on the fluttering paper, his fingers holding the sheet down. 

Attention, Dominatus boys! The semester is coming to an end, which means that you'll be enrolling in new classes. We are pleased to tell you that we will be offering a new program this semester, built to benefit you to the fullest. Please check your emails for more information!

Sicheng furrowed his brows, a finger pressed against his chin. He made a mental note to check his email later. For now, he had the practice to make it to. Sicheng took off down the sidewalk, making his way to the large SM Entertainment building around the corner of the campus. 

Sicheng opened the door and stepped inside, walking up to the front desk. He was about to check in with the woman at the front desk when she said, "Dong Sicheng?" He nodded. 

"I was told to inform you that you won't be having practice. Your schedule has been canceled for today." 

He gave her a confused look, then managed to say, "O-Oh. Okay, thank you for letting me know." The woman waved her hand at him and nodded, not taking her eyes off her computer screen. Sicheng walked out of the building and stopped to think. 

What is going on today? 

Sicheng shrugged and walked back to his dorm building. The White Hall was its name. He entered through the door and greeted a couple of his classmates before darting up the stairs. 

His name was Yuta Nakamoto...

He opened the door to his dorm room to see his roommate and best friend, Yuta Nakamoto, reading a book on the small sofa. 

"When did you get here?  I thought you went to class," he questioned. Yuta glanced up from his book. 

"Well, it's nice to see you, too," he said. Sicheng chuckled. "They canceled all classes today." Yuta put his book down on the coffee table. "Why are you here? I thought you had practice." It was Yuta's turn to ask the questions. 

Sicheng sighed. "The lady at the front desk told me my schedule's been canceled for the day." 

Yuta raised his eyebrow. "That's weird. Everything's getting canceled." He stood up. "Hey, did you see those flyers around campus? The ones about checking our emails?" Yuta led Sicheng to his room and pulled out his laptop. He opened it up as Sicheng thought for a moment, taking a seat on his bed. 

"Oh! Yeah, I did. I saw one on my way to practice." Sicheng tapped his chin. "Have you checked your email?" he asked. Yuta shook his head. 

"I'm about to right now."

Sicheng rushed out of Yuta's room, grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter, and walked back into Yuta's bedroom. He opened up his email page and found the email he was looking for in his inbox. 

This semester, you will be taking some of your classes over at Eximia University. Some of the Eximia students will be taking classes here. It's all a part of our new program. We will be offering classes to Eximia students to take here, and Eximia will be offering courses for Dominatus students to take. Tomorrow is when you can start enrolling in your classes, and we've decided to cancel your schedules for tomorrow. After that, classes will back to your normal schedule. Start enrolling in your classes over at Eximia's website. 

There was a link to the college's webpage, where they'd have to enroll in and then select classes. 

Sicheng looked a Yuta, who spun around right after he was finished reading the email. The two of them looked at each other with the same confused looks. They had the same thing in mind and said it at the same time. 

"What the hell?"

The Sun Will Come Out (WayV)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora