Okay, Maybe Not.

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(Note: Weijian's facial appearance is just like the photo, but not the hair.)
(Bold is Chinese)

The mob of Dominatus wizards and Eximia witches grew louder as they argued on and on. The girls from the dormitory next door, Orange Hall, seemed furious. Weijian sighed, finding the booming voices frustrating. She watched the crowd through her window, shaking her head. T

"They're so annoying," she groaned. "What even is the problem?" Weijian question, throwing her hands in the air and turning to face Manaka. 

"At this point, I don't even know." Manaka heaved a tired sigh and fell back onto her bed, her arms spread out. 

Weijian grabbed her bag and swung it around, slipping one arm through the strap. "I have to get going," she said. "I'll see you in a bit, Naka." 

Manaka hummed and waved as Weijian shut the door behind her. She decided she'd visit her other close friends. Weijian had a lot of friends, all of them in one big group, but she had a small group of really close friends that lived on the same floor as her: Manaka, Lihua, Liwei, Meixing, Tungmei, and Fangsu.

Weijian felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Liu Fangsu, one of her closest friends. 

"Fangsu!" Weijian smiled. She grabbed Fangsu's wrist and led her down the staircase with her. They passed by some of their classmates and dormmates, all seeming to be worried about the Orange Hall girls outside. 

"Weijian, do you know what this whole mob is arguing about?" Fangsu asked, gesturing out the window when they had reached the main hall. Weijian shook her head and shrugged.

"No clue. It's probably something stupid, though." Fangsu nodded in agreement. 

"I just hope no one gets hurt, or that it gets stopped soon." Fangsu sighed and opened the door for Weijian, following after her. Luckily, the two had classes at the opposite side of the mob, helping them escape the possibility of getting dragged into the mess. 

Fangsu and Weijian strolled down the sidewalk, ignoring the angry yelling behind them.

"Ugh, I have an exam in my design practicum class," Fangsu whined, throwing her head back. Agony was written all over her face, her mouth twisted in annoyance.

Weijian laughed, "You alright there?" 

"I'm dying inside," Fangsu said, her face expressionless. Weijian laughed. 

"I wish you luck my friend. Where's your class?" Weijian asked. 

"Right here." Fangsu stopped in front of a door to a large building, labeled 'AEROSPACE.' Her frown grew, her eyes glaring at the emblazoned sign. "Alright, well, time to use my remaining two brain cells. I guess I'll see you soon, Weijian. Do you and Manaka wanna meet at my room later tonight? It's Friday, and the others were thinking about watching some movies." 

Weijian nodded, giving a thumbs up. "It's a yes from me, and I'm sure Manaka will say yes. But I'll check and let you know." 

"Sounds good," Fangsu said, opening the door. 

"May the force be with you, bro." Weijian waved at Fangsu and gave her an encouraging smile before heading to the library.


Weijian honestly didn't know what the big issue was with Dominatus and Eximia. She understood some of the past histories. She, too, had been pranked by some Dominatus boys in the streets once, but she chose to get over it and let it go. 

Weijian had met some really nice wizards from Dominatus, all experienced with magic and Alium studies. They were so sweet and smart, Weijian had no idea why the witches from her university were always arguing with some random wizards. 

She was walking back home to the Pink Hall with Fangsu, explaining that exact point. 

"Have you met any Dominatus guys?" she asked. Fangsu nodded. 

"I have! They seemed so nice," she said. "I don't understand the constant feuds. It's ridiculous. Not mention scary..." Fangsu trailed off. 

"Do the higher-ups know about this?" Weijian asked, referring to the heads of the school. 

Fangsu's lips pursed into a line, her eyebrows knitting together. "Probably not. If they did, this whole new program would've ended as soon as it started." She had a point. 

Weijian sighed. "I'm sure not all Dominatus boys are bad. Every single one of them seems to be nice and kind..." Weijian's words disappeared as the two stopped in front of their dormitory building. They stared up in horror at the yellow slime dripping down the windows, the egg shells stuck to the slime, covering almost every window.

"Okay, maybe not." 

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