A Turn for the Worst

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Her heels clicked against the floor, the sharp noise echoing off the walls. Each step caused another head to turn. She carried a binder in her hand, clutching it tightly against her chest. She had a stern look on her face, her eyebrows knit together and her lips pursed. 

The young woman burst through the door, slamming it shut behind her. Headmistress Chae looked up over the rim of her glasses, sighing when she saw the woman in front of her. She closed the book she was reading and sighed again, leaning back in her chair after taking her glasses off. 

"I see you still don't know how to knock." Headmistress Chae barely kept her eyes on the young lady in front of her desk, instead focusing on her bright red nails. 

"Listen, that's not important right now," the woman said with fiery eyes. She slammed the binder on the desk. Headmistress didn't even flinch. Her eyes slowly moved to the binder, fixing on the gold lettering that said, Code Black.

She looked up at the woman, taking a deep breath before sitting straight. "Very well," she said, unamused. "What can I do for you, Apinya?" 

Apinya straightened, the angry look in her face slightly dissolving. She took the binder and opened it, flipping straight to the page she needed. "There's been a breach at the barrier."

Headmistress Chae's eyes opened wide, her tough aura disappearing. "What?" She got out of her chair, taking the binder into her own hands. Her eyes frantically scanned the words on each page, her finger furiously flipping through the pages. 

"The border's broken. We've been found out." Apinya paced around the room, her heels being muffled by the carpet. "It's no longer safe here. Initiate Code Red."

The headmistress slowly looked up, her eyes filled with fear. "And if it gets worse?" Apinya sighed, her brown eyes turning cold. 

"Let's just hope we don't have to turn to Code Black."

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