The Pink Bike

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(The entire chapter's dialogue is in Chinese.)

The sounds of chatter filled Kunhang's ears as his feet covered more and more ground. He reached the bike stand where he'd left his bike, taking the handlebars and mounting it. Kunhang was about to leave when he heard a crash and a couple of curses. 

He was quick to hop off his bike and rush to the noise. He turned the corner and saw a girl leaning against a brick wall, one of her legs over her bike, the other underneath. Hever head was turned away from Kunhang, but he could tell she had it in her hands. She quickly turned back, revealing her profile. Kunhang couldn't believe his eyes. 

He hurried to the girl, immediately offering his hand for the girl to take. "Not again..." he heard the girl mumble, eyeing her bike. She looked up immediately when she saw a hand in front of her. Then he saw her face. 

"You're the aerospace dum-" Kunhang caught himself while helping the girl up. "Hi," he said. It was the girl from the library. She nodded at him, running her hands over the wrinkles in her flannel. 

"Hi," she replied. She dusted her hands on her denim shorts, then took her bike from Kunhang. "Thank you for helping me up," she said. The girl never made eye contact with him; the embarrassment was too much. 

"You're welcome," Kunhang replied, earning a smile from her. The girl was about to start moving when...

"W-Wait!" Kunhang said, his hand up to stop her. The girl turned around, looking over her shoulder expectantly. She didn't think the boy would say another word to her. 

"What's your name?" 

That simple question caught the girl off guard. It wasn't normal for a stranger to care about her name. She gave him a puzzled look. "Um ... it's Fangsu." She smiled, despite the awkward feeling she was getting from talking to the boy. She and her friends were really bad at socializing. Really bad. 

"Oh, that's a pretty name," Kunhang said. He thought her name matched her face perfectly. Her eyes lit up a bit, although her smile wasn't wide. 

"Thanks," she shyly mumbled. 

"I'm Kunhang," he said right when Fangsu was about to leave again. She stopped in her tracks to face him again. "Wong Kunhang," he continued. "But a lot of people call me Hendery." 

Fangsu's lips were parted a bit, her eyebrow raised in confusion. She didn't really know what to say. She was such a calm yet goofy person, but not when she just met a person. In front of a stranger, she pretty much forgot how to breathe.

"O-Oh," Fangsu said, quickly trying to think of something else to say. She finally made eye contact when she said, "It's nice to meet you, Hendery." The boy looked at her with a bright smile. Fangsu was weirded out by the boy's kindness. She looked ahead, then back. 

"I guess I'll see you around, Fangsu," Kunhang said. He smiled again, showing his perfect teeth. Fangsu nodded. 

"Yeah, guess so. Uh ... see you around," she answered. She awkwardly waved, trying to give him a smile that didn't seem fake. It just ended with her forming a line with her lips. She turned around and biked away. Hendery watched her turn the corner before heading in the opposite direction, back to the bike stands. 

He mentally slapped himself. "Kunhang, you idiot, you definitely scared her off." He mounted his bike and rode off, admiring the bright blue sky, dotted with clouds. Kunhang smiled up at the sky. 

'Well, I guess I'll see you around, Fangsu.' 

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