Good & Bad

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Liwei nodded her head to the music blasting in her ears, a notebook in hand and a black pen behind her ear. 

She walked down the winding staircase of Dominatus's computer science building. Liwei glanced to the side, noticing that there was a group of Eximia students arguing with Dominatus boys. She rolled her eyes and continued on her way. 

Dominatus and Eximia weren't the best friends. Dominatus was what Eximia called "The Other Side." Along with trying to blend in with the Alium community, Eximia had issues with other members of the magic community. 

Although Eximia had a nice campus, it was quite small. The class spaces were small, and it was hard for students to learn and for professors to teach. They had a lack of resources in the classrooms necessary for the students. It was a crowded campus, each building rammed next to another one. 

While Dominatus's campus was being built, the Eximia students would watch in awe. Liwei was a freshman in college then. She had watched the buildings get built, excited to leave the crowded campus hallways and sidewalks. Then the day came when Eximia received the news. The campus that was supposed to be theirs was getting handed over to a new university. 

Liwei had gotten over it, but many other students lost their minds. After the boys had moved into Eximia's would be campus, they started playing pranks on the girls. They'd tease the girls for being "lower than them," making them feel inferior. It was school spirit, but gone extreme.  It never came to the attention of the staff of Eximia, which was partially the girls' fault, but it still gave them a bad impression of Dominatus. 

Eximia and Dominatus became enemies. 

Liwei's experiences with some of the Dominatus pranks weren't great. She'd get ridiculed on the streets by some of the boys, as would other Eximia students. The hatred between the two was evident, even though Liwei tried not to throw herself in a silly "war." She didn't want to end up dragging herself down. 

She made it to the bottom of the staircase and was about to open the door when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She expected to see Xiu Ying, who she had become close friends with over the time span of two days but frowned when she saw a tall boy in front of her. 

The boy had a smirk on his face, which made Liwei nervous. 'Is he going to make fun of me? What does this guy want? Who the hell is he?' Liwei's thoughts bombarded her head, each one appearing like newspaper headlines. 

"Um ... hi?" she said. Visibly confused didn't even begin to describe the look she gave the boy, but he just continued smirking. 

"Hello," the boy said, his charming voice making a few girls within earshot swoon. 

Liwei wasn't amused in the slightest. 

She sighed and shook her head, turning around and opening the door. She walked out of the building and headed down the sidewalk, leaving the boy dumbfounded. He ran after her immediately. 

"Wait!" The tall boy hoped she would stop, but Liwei only moved faster. She grabbed her handlebars and mounted her bike. She was about to start moving when the boy stood in front of her bike. 

He sheepishly smiled. Liwei sighed again and poot one leg down, keeping her balance on the bike. She leaned forward, her arms resting on the handlebars. She raised an eyebrow and scanned the boy's face. Her eyes slowly grew wide. 

"You're that weird dude from the window," she said. The boy chuckled. 

"Yeah, guess you could say that." 

Liwei gave him a warning with her eyes. "Listen, I don't know who you are or why you were watching me through the window that day, but I suggest you get out of the way. Otherwise, I'm gonna end up running you over with my bike and I won't feel any remorse." 

The boy had a look of awe on his face, which just annoyed Liwei more. She didn't trust this guy, she got weird vibes from him. First, it was the window, then he cornered her against the door. She didn't want to get ridiculed if that what was he was up to. 

"Wow, you're a feisty one," he said. "I already like you."  

Liwei's eyebrows knit together. "What? Okay, could you tell me what you want from me? If you're here to make fun of me like the other Dominatus boys are doing, then just do it. But I know Kung Fu and Tai Chi." 

"Random, too," he mumbled. "Look, I know it was weird seeing me watch you from the window. I just saw you casting the spells on the bubbles, and I thought it was really cool. I'm sorry for freaking you out," he said. 

Liwei's angry expression softened, revealing a blank-faced Liwei. "Oh. Well, thank you." She gripped the handlebars and looked away, then back at the boy. "Sorry for being annoying ... I just have some bad experiences with some of the Dominatus boys. If I freaked you out, I apologize," she said. 

Liwei smiled and took the black pen off her ear, twirling it around in her fingers. She spun it around, threw it in the air, caught it, and used the pen to point at the tall boy. "Name?"

They called him Lucas...

"Wong Yukhei. But I get called Lucas a lot." 

"Well, Lucas, I'm Xiao Liwei. A pleasure to meet you," she said. Liwei casually placed the pen behind her ear again. She waved at him and grinned. "See you around." 

Lucas moved out of the way as Liwei started pedaling, heading back to the Pink Hall at Eximia. His eyes never left her figure, slowly disappearing into the swamp of witches and wizards. 


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