Doesn't Ring a Bell

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What was that all about?

Meixing had one more class that day, over at Dominatus. She biked over to the campus and pulled out her map, successfully making it to the Law Center. Meixing secured her bike and walked in, ready for a new semester. 

The professor dismissed the class, and Meixing rushed down the staircase and flew out the door. She grabbed her bike and pedaled as fast as she could back to Eximia. On her way there, she passed by the school library. She turned to the side and saw the boy from earlier, sitting on the single wooden bench outside, a solemn look on his face. In that split second, he glanced up and saw her. 

Meixing quickly turned away, embarrassed, then panicked, there was a trash can in front of her. Even though she was out of the boy's view by then, a loud crash and a yelp could be heard. 

She could hear a few whispers and laughter. Meixing groaned, opening her eyes. She saw the same boy hovering over her. She took his outstretched hand as he helped her to her feet, a smirk on his face.

"You alright?" he asked for the second time that day. Meixing looked away, feeling sheepish. She was about to get her bike off the ground, but the boy was already ahead of her, holding the bike up for her by the handle. 

"Yeah," she replied. She took the yellows handles, smiling at the boy. "I'm just a klutz, I'm sorry," she laughed. The handsome boy smiled at her, chuckling. Meixing noticed how handsome the boys was, his black hair blowing in the wind, his beautiful dark eyes looking at a short and uncomfortable girl. 

She looked away, then looked back at the boy after mounting her bike. She flashed an awkward smile, her plump lips forming a line. "Well, I'll see you around ..." Meixing waited for a name.

The boy looked gloomy, but he responded with a hopeful smile. "Xiao Dejun. But everyone calls me Xiaojun." 

Dejun watched her nod, his name not appearing to ring a bell. She nodded, a bit of a smile on her face. 

"Ah, thank you, Xiaojun." She waved at him as she placed a foot on the pedal. "I'll see you around," she called, riding away. He waved at her with a smile, but he felt crushed. 

Meixing didn't recognize him. His best friend forgot him. 

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