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"Got any grapes? Then he waddled away! Waddle, waddle, waddle." 

Fangsu watched Meixing dance around their newly built campus, nearly tripping over her own foot for the hundredth time. 

"Fangsu, I see you're judging me for singing the Duck Song," Meixing said, standing straight. Fangsu giggled and shook her head, standing up. She walked off without responding. 

"Wow, okay!" Meixing laughed, calling after her. 

"I'll see you around, Mei!" 

Fangsu walked down the stairwell, observing the familiar faces. For a second, it seemed like things had gone back to normal, but Fangsu knew that was far from what'd happened. The damage and fear still remained. It lurked in the back of everyone's mind, haunting their memories.  

"Yo, Fang!" Yu Yan quickly rushed over, a plate covered with a cloth in her hand. "Come here, I have something for you."

Fangsu walked over happily. The room had been decorated because it was a day of celebration in the magic community. In Chinese magic culture, it was the Day of Light. A day widely celebrated across the country. Even though they were in South Korea now, the Chinese students found ways to keep the tradition alive. 

"Here," Yu Yan said, folding the cloth cover back and revealing colorful flowers arranged onto the plate. "You like pink, right?" Fangsu hadn't even gotten a chance to say anything to Yu Yan, not even a nod. 

"Thank you," Fangsu whispered as Yu Yan gently placed the stem between her hair and ear. It was a small touch, but the pink of the flower and the beauty Fangsu had made her glow. 

"Beautiful!" Yu Yan smiled. She asked Fangsu where Meixing was right after. 

"Upstairs. You know which room, right?" 

"Yup!" Then she went running up the stairs, Fangsu watching her happily carry the plate of traditions. 

Tungmei heard something hit the window behind her. She wheeled around, running to the window to inspect. "That's funny," she mumbled, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. When she turned around, she bumped right into someone she didn't want to see. 


"Why, hello there." Qiang stood smugly, his arms crossed over his chest and a smile on his face. 

"How'd you get in here?" 

"Don't worry about it," he said, his arms moving around to animate his words. "I work in peculiar ways. Inexplicable is what I am." Qiang crossed his arms over his white shirt again. 

Tungmei glared. "What-Okay. Cut the crap. I still don't know who you are, and now you're in my room? You're lucky my roommates aren't here . . . Wait!" Qiang already knew what Tungmei was thinking. He put his hands in the air but was too late. 

"My roommates aren't here! Was this your plan? Are you gonna kidnap me? Oh my god, that's exactly what you're gonna do, isn't it?" 

"Now, wait for a second here-" Qiang rushed over and tried to calm her down, only to see her holding a broom as a barrier. 

"Don't. Come. Any. Closer." Tungmei's eyes were fiery and her knuckles were turning white. She's secured her grip around the broomstick and she was ready to attack. 

"Okay. Tungmei. Calm down. I'm not here to kidnap you," he said. "I'm not gonna hurt you, 'kay? So can you at least have a seat? I have a lot of stuff to tell you, that's all." 

Tungmei's eyes searched Qiang for a hint of a lie, but she couldn't find any signs that he was. His words seemed sincere. She cautiously approached him, each step was calculated. 

"Can you at least put the broom-"


Tungmei heard Qiang's defeated sigh and smiled in triumph. "Alright," he said. "Take a seat. I need to explain." 

Tungmei did as she was told, but the broom was still in her hands. "I can hurt you with this in seventy-seven different ways, you know," she warned. 

Qiang rubbed his temples and passively nodded, waving his hand at her. "Yeah, I'm sure you can," he said. 

"So what'd you have to tell me?" Tungmei asked, folding her hands and leaning in curiously. Qiang nervously looked around before scratching the back of his head, a bead of sweat on his forehead not going unnoticed by Tungmei. "What is it?" she asked, eyebrows knit together. 

"You're in danger."

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