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Lihua's shirt was soaked in blood, the cotton severely torn. Her cut hands still quivered. The ash from the sky coated her long eyelashes. Her friends cried and watched in sorrow as Lihua's limp body was carried away. 

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

Beep. Beep. 

The time was ticking. Things were going south. Hope was fading away. 

8:05 PM.

Lihua's eyes fluttered open. She drowsily eyed the room around her, slightly concerned by the pristine white walls. There was a tube attached to her arm and connected to a bag. A bag filled with her blood. 

She heard the sound of water being poured into a bowl. Struggling, Lihua turned, ignoring the scent of medicine and the sounds of machines. She saw Weijian, mixing a concoction in a wooden bowl, muttering an Elvish spell. She was a Medicus, a healer. Her hands glowed a lilac hue, tracing circles over the glowing mixture. 

"Lihua?" Weijian's eyes lit up, a smile gracing her features. She was about to hug her when she realized Lihua was still in pain. Lihua tried to speak, lifting a finger, but Weijian shushed her. 

"Lihua, my bro. Don't speak," she lectured. Weijian took the bowl in one hand and a spoon on the other, dipping it in the bowl. "Open your mouth," she said. Lihua parted her lips as much as she could without feeling any pain. Weijian put the spoon up to her lips, letting her consume the liquid. It had a minty taste to it. 

"Herbs?" Lihua croaked. Weijian gave her a warning look before smiling. She nodded. 

"Yup. Elvish healing spell. Now, keep your mouth shut. I'm working on fixing your injuries." Weijian took out a mason jar, poured the liquid inside, and twisted the lid closed. 

The mixture glowed and sparkled

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The mixture glowed and sparkled. Lihua listened to the soothing sounds of the machines, the consistent beeping of the machines. She sighed and closed her eyes. 

"I'm going to take out some of the glass now, 'kay?" she said, her voice soft and comforting. She was the perfect nursing student. Weijian whispered, "You know, your injuries have healed really well. Your cuts have gone away, but you do have a couple of scars. I just need to get some of the glass out now and heal those wounds before you're good to go."

Lihua could feel Weijian working on cleaning some of the wounds at the bottom of her feet. "Ready? 1 . . . 2 . . ." 

"Ah!" Lihua yelped, her foot twitching involuntarily. Weijian offered her a friendly smile. 

"It's okay. We're halfway done," she said. She rubbed an Elvish herbal salve on Lihua's foot, causing her to forget she was in pain. Weijian quietly strolled over to the bedside, taking a seat next to Lihua. She gently took a cotton swab and dabbed it against the wound. She grabbed some tweezers and carefully worked on removing the sliver of bloodied glass from Lihua's arm. She applied the salve immediately after hearing Lihua hiss in pain, carefully discarding the glass. 

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